Best Android Bible Study Apps

The Bible is known to be the world’s best-selling book and it is not surprising that it would expand its reach to more readers by developing and innovating to today’s trends and since it is the age of technology and internet, developers thought of creating apps that could spread the word of God through it. This way, the Bible would be more accessible to children, teens and young adults.
Bible apps do not only offer convenience of not having to bring a physical thick Bible book everywhere but it also serves as a helping tool for Bible study. Aside from that, apps also give its users an option to listen to its audio version which is an excellent alternative to learn and hear God’s word. Here are some of the best Bible Apps that you could try and check.
1. Faithlife Study Bible
This is the best and most impressive Bible study app. It comes with wide range of study tools and provides different Bible versions such as NIV, ESV and NIV. It also comes with 400 pictures, videos and graphics that will help you keep interested and entertained. Faithlife also has a dictionary that comes in handy when trying to understand difficult words that one could encounter while reading and studying the passages.
2. Bible+ by Olive Tree
Bible+ is a free app that is available in most mobile platforms. It is one of the best, most popular and reputable Bible study apps that is supported by HarperCollins Christian Publishing. This app has a pleasant to the eyes interface and has a very concise layout. It is clutter-free, yet it comes with great features and functions. It allows you to highlight texts and customize your highlighters, fonts and color schemes. You could also search texts and passages.
3. Daily Bible
Daily Bible is one of the most established apps and has been in the industry for a long time. It is one of the Bible study app veterans that has been regularly updated with new features such as reading plans. It also comes with a lot of functions that would definitely appeal its users. One of this functions is its index function that comes in handy for searching a certain Bible verse or passage. The only downside of this app though is its functions and features are updated regularly, its interface has been forgotten, has not been updated and is outdated.
4. She Reads Truth
She Reads Truth is a free Bible app that was created by women for the women. It has clean interface and is easy to use. This app provides religious needs and connection to a female devout Christians community. If you are a young lady studying the Bible, this is one great Bible app that would suit your needs.
5. Bible Gateway
Bible Gateway is an international version with its 90 different language translations. There is also an audio feature and allows its users to make notes and create a reading plan. Bible Gateway comes with a dictionary as well that will help you decipher difficult words that you might encounter.
6. Bible for Kids
This Bible app is great for kids because of its fun and engaging features. The words were made simpler which kids will definitely understand. It has cartoon illustrations that would keep the kids hooked up, entertained and focused on the stories. It also helps kids understand the Bible through its storytelling feature. Lastly, this app comes with exciting games as well.
7. SermonAudio
SermonAudio is another free Bible app. This app is for those who likes to read the Bible every day but does not have time. It comes with an audio feature which one could use while driving, running, exercising in a gym, etc. This is an app that is not only made for kids but it is also something the adults could enjoy as well.
8. is one of the best Bible study apps. It comes with useful features and impressive functions for both students and adults. It is also recommended to pastors and teachers as well. This Bible app just proves to be created for everyone with its free access. It also has a radio or audio version for those who prefer to listen to the word of God.