
Best Buy Moto Z brings $250 gift card

Best Buy Moto Z customers are some of the most fortunate when it comes to the release of Motorola’s latest device that takes a “modular” path with the LG G5. The Best Buy Moto Z has already had a $200 discount with a free JBL audio MotoMod, but Best Buy is back with yet another deal for folks who’ve had a change of heart and have waited until now to pick up the device.

If you buy the Best Buy Moto Z, you’ll get a $250 gift card toward any other item in the store. So, despite the $700 price tag of the device, you’ll only have paid $450 for the device. This isn’t a bad deal for customers who don’t necessarily care for the JBL audio MotoMod that the American retailer offered some weeks ago.

The Best Buy Moto Z has the same specs as the unlocked Moto Z, with Best Buy’s own deals that make it a popular stop for customers looking to get the most for their money. The Moto Z has the same specs and features as high-end Android devices on the market (such as its Snapdragon 820 processor, 4GB of RAM, Quad HD display, with a camera with a large megapixel count at 21MP (many high-ends have 12MP or 16MP back cameras), with its main distinction being the MotoMods that you can attach to the Moto Z to extend the functionality of the device.

Now, Motorola has set up the Moto Z as a fashionable modular device, meaning that the MotoMods simply snap onto the back of the device by way of a magnetized back cover. It seems effortless to snap on the MotoMods, which is a major design win for Motorola that will likely give the Best Buy Moto Z (and every other) a leg over the LG G5 and LG’s modular smartphone line (a line that LG says it doesn’t intend to get rid of; there’ll be a G6, the Korean OEM says).

Aside from the Best Buy Moto Z deal, though, keep in mind that Motorola is giving a deal with its Moto Z purchase: every person who buys the Moto Z will also get full photo resolution uploads in Google Photos for 2 years. What this means is that you can take photos with 1440p resolution and upload them to Google Photos for 2 years without reducing their resolution to 1080p to take advantage of your already free, unlimited 1080p photo uploads. Google has taken this challenge further with giving unlimited full resolution photo uploads to Google Photos for Google Pixel buyers forever.

Well, if this $250 gift card for the Best Buy Moto Z sounds like a good deal, head on over to the source link below to find out how to get your very own Moto Z and $250 toward other Best Buy items. Come back over and let us know you made the jump.


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