
Best game recording software for Windows

Gaming has become one of the main entertainment options available and millions of people around the world play their favorite games across different platforms. New games are released every year, but many people also enjoy playing classic titles. The variety of options is almost unlimited and it is possible to find games that you can learn to play in seconds, as well as options that challenge your skills and put your brain power to the test. It is possible to find video tutorials that help you to understand a game better and even learn tricks that will help you to advance to another level. Avid gamers love making videos to show their skills and to help others who are struggling with a game.

If you want to know what software can be used for recording gaming sessions, you have come to the right place. If you want to record gaming sessions and share your knowledge with others, you don’t need special equipment. Simply make sure that your computer is up to date and that you get one of the applications that we mention in this list. It is worth keeping in mind that the majority of tools record raw videos without compression, which means that you could end up with videos that take up a lot of disk space. This is why it is advisable to records videos only to a drive that has enough space and once you get the video, compress it before sharing it on any platform.


This is also a paid tool that offers great quality and ease of use. Although it doesn’t have a great deal of features, it supports the basic functionality needed to record gaming sessions. With Bandicam, you can record videos and customize the frame rate. It doesn’t allow live streaming, but it supports 4k Ultra HD resolution and its recording functionality is quite good. In addition, it offers small size video recordings, thanks to its built-in compression solution that ensures that you can enjoy good quality recordings that don’t take up a lot of space. You can schedule recording times and share your videos on YouTube with just one click.

Open Broadcaster Software

OBS features a user-friendly interface that allows you to find all the functions available without any hassle. OBS is a free and open source solution that offers a wide range of customization options. You don’t need to change any special settings , simply choose the source from which you want to record and let OBS take care of the recording. It is possible to live stream video over Twitch, YouTube and other popular platforms. OBS can record content in MP4 and FLV formats. Options like Custom Watermarks and Push-to-Talk mode make OBS a convenient tool to record video tutorials.


GeForce is a well-known name in the world of gaming and its streaming and recording solution offers many great features. ShadowPlay is a free tool that supports the same technology used by Nvidia Geforce GPU. It provides remarkable performance since it doesn’t take it’s toll on the CPU and lets the GPU focus on running the game. In order to be able to run ShadowPlay, you need to have Geforce GTX 600 and above. There are two modes available Shadow mode and manual mode. In the first, all your game play from the last 20 minutes is recorded, while older game play is deleted. In the manual mode, you can enable unlimited recording and stop it when needed.


If you are looking for a software that offers a great deal of features, consider Action! a paid game recording solution with impressive functionality. It relies on the GPU to speed up the recordings, which gives the CPU a break. With Action! it is possible to create High quality video up to 4k resolution high frame rates and you can also add live commentary. The video can be streamed over YouTube, Twitch, Livestream and more. In addition, the content saves in your computer can be shared on Facebook and YouTube using the buttons included. Thanks to the remote access feature, you can control your computer using your Android phone, and will be able to play PC games on your mobile device.


D3DGear focuses on simplicity and no special setup is needed. The software is lightweight and it runs seamlessly on your device. It features built-in compression so your videos will be saved in small size and can be easily shared on any platform. Since the compression takes place in real-time, even if you don’t have much space in the drive, you will still be able to record a video. In the same way as other applications in the list, D3Dgear uses GPU acceleration, so the pressure is not on the CPU. D3DGear can identify games automatically and it connects to them. All you need to do is to press the hotkey to begin the recording.

XSplit Gamecaster

XSplit Gamecaster supports solid streaming functionality and it also allows you to record videos to your hard drive. It is designed to support simple streaming and its main strength is in this area, although it offers good recordings as well. To start a recording, you just need a single click and let XSplit adjust the settings to suit your computer. With XSplit Gamecaster it is possible to record at high quality, stream over popular websites and get GPU support. It is possible to use features like watermarks, video annotations, social media integration, picture-in-picture mode. In addition, you can edit videos using the video editor included and share your videos easily.

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