Chef Charger, Easy Gadget Charging for Patrons

We all know how it works nowadays: we schedule a meal, a drink or a cup of coffee with our friend and/or colleagues, we talk for a while and, from a certain point on, some people on the group will dive their noses in their smartphones or tablets, whether to check their email, to navigate the web or to play a game.
This happens more and more and, despite not being exactly healthy (especially from the psychological point of view), those establishments go with the flow and most of them offer free Wi-Fi. What they do not offer is the possibility for their patrons to charge their gadgets, which is actually very useful, mainly because that is not practical.
But that is a thing from the past. There is a new line of table chargers, Chef Charger, that promises to mark a new trend in dining establishments with its amazingly designed charging devices, that blend into almost any kind of decoration, fitting any surrounding.
They come in three different shapes: candle holder, salt & pepper holder and drink coaster. While each one has, obviously, its particular settings and features, they are all waterproof, theft-proof (they all have GPS tracking and require a special pad to be charged), eco-friendly, certified and patented.
The team behind Chef Charger, made of MIT alumni, went for high quality food-safe materials, providing the devices with a robust mechanical design that withstands damage from falling. In addition, they are built with high quality electronics design, protecting against overvoltage, short circuit, overcharge, over discharge, overcurrent and overheating.
All Chef Charger devices come with custom USB cables and are compatible with and safe for all kinds of smartphones and tablets, and can be ordered with the establishment’s logo on them, providing a great degree of customization to each order. These devices will surely give any establishment a classy and techyi new look, while making all tech-savvy patrons happier.