Critical Questions You Need Answered Before Using WhatsApp Free Voice Call

Whatsapp is one of the most popular instant messaging applications which is used by users all over the world. It could be used on all across operating systems of mobile/smart phones. This application is similar to the original BlackBerryBBM where instant messaging probably have started. Developers have innovated and developed this application and has brought us to where we are now with platforms such as WhatsApp.
In this article, we shall provide useful information which could answer important questions you might have before you would want to start using WhatsApp Free Voice Call.
Here are some critical questions that you might have before you would want to use WhatsApp.
Critical Questions You Need Answered Before Using WhatsApp Free Voice Calls
Is it really free calls?
When you are using the WhatApp application, you would need to use data just as the same when you would be browsing the internet, watch YouTube or send emails. This means, it is not really free when you use WhatsApp to call as you would have to spend some cost in terms of data. Your cellular provider would charge you with the data that you have used. Keep in mind as well that your service provider could change you with data bundle and sometimes could impose a data cap.
How much does a WhatsApp call cost?
Upon testing and measuring data used during a WhatsApp call, approximately, you could use about 200Kb to 500Kb per minute. If you compare this to a regular cellphone call, using WhatsApp is cheaper especially if you do not have a unlimited free cell and text package option provided by your cellular service provider. Though this is the case, keep in mind, that using WhatsApp with no data package or bundle rates could cost you more than regular mobile calls. Then again, if this is your case, do not worry as you could use your WhatsApp through connecting to a WiFi network which means you will not have to spend data and pay your mobile service provider.
Who pays for the WhatsApp call?
When you are making a regular call, the one who is making the call is the one who would bare the cost and the receiver would not be responsible for any cost at all. Though this is the case, unfortunately, this is not true with WhatsApp as the receiver of the call would also incur data charges. In other words, both the caller and the receiver of the call will have to both pay their own data costs. This means, the moment you have accepted the call, your phone would start consuming data which you will have to pay for.
Unfortunately, WhatsApp does not alert or notify the caller if the recipient is on WiFi or mobile data.
How is WhatsApp voice calls different to other calling apps?
Other messaging apps like Viber, BBM, Tango, etc. are not that different from WhatsApp in terms of voice call feature. No matter if you are making calls within the same city, the cost of calling via messaging apps is still cheaper than the regular mobile phone rates. The only difference between these apps is that WhatsApp has larger user community all over the world which makes it easier to connect with family and friends.
What about privacy?
Nowadays, there is a function such as the Do Not disturb feature on WhatsApp which could provide you have that discrete text messaging. You could also disable the two ticks read notifications which is a feature that allows you to be notified once the receiver has read your message. When you disable this feature, the sender will not be notified as to when or if you have read their messages. There is also an option for call feature as well. Moreover, you could also disable profile pictures as well.