
3Doodler 2.0 3D-Stift

As the name suggests, 3Doodler 2.0 is a redesigned version of the first 3Doodler . The first 3Doodler 3D printing pen was actually the first device of its kind on the market, which is a point to keep in mind if you decide to read our critical review of the first version.

For general information on 3D printing pens, please see “3D Pen: introduction. Why, what and how.”

wobbleworks-3doodler-2-1The first thing you notice when comparing the two 3Doodlers is the difference in design. They’ve really done a great leap here. While the first version was bulky and not particularly stylish, 3Doodler 2.0 is much thinner (75% smaller) than the original at less than half of its weight, which makes it look much more like a pen, although it’s still larger than an ordinary pen and requires getting used to. Then there’s material. Whereas the first version’s case was plastic, in 3Doodle 2.0 it’s mostly anodized aluminum, giving it a more premium sleek feel.

A model of Notre Damme made using 3Doodler 2.0
A model of Notre Damme made using 3Doodler 2.0

The functionality has also improved. The drive system feeding the plastic into the pen has been re-engineered for smoother and more stable feeding process, and a double-click function that allows users to use the pen without having to hold down any buttons has been added. Also, the speed at which the plastic is fed through can now be altered to suite the user along with the temperature of the heating element.

 A model of a train made using 3Doodler 2.0
A model of a train made using 3Doodler 2.0
A model of Leaning Tower of Pisa made using 3Doodler 2.0
A model of Leaning Tower of Pisa made using 3Doodler 2.0

However, despite the drastic changes in its appearance, the 3D pen has inherited a few major problems from its predecessor, as quite a few people out there complain about flawed mechanism which stops feeding the plastic into the pen with time (or, in some cases, out of the box). So if you decide to buy this one, keep in mind that the feed mechanism is quite delicate and has a long lead-in. From the time it grabs the strand of plastic to when you start getting extruded melt out of the nozzle a considerable time will pass, like a good minute.  Take a close look at where the strand is being fed into the pen, and if you can see the strand moving slowly in, continue waiting. Only if it seems stalled should you gently rotate the strand clockwise.

In summary, the new 3Doodler is a much better product than the original, but still flawed.

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