
Die 5 besten mobilen Apps für Studenten

Studying for a student means the only way for one to pass all your assignments and exams. It means that you have to spend a lot of time in the library, a situation that can cause you to lose yourself or be bored. But, do not worry as thanks to the advancement in technology, your ways of studying and completing assignments will become effortless through various apps. According to experts at essay zoo, the following is a collection of the best apps for students.


    If you want your life organized like a pro, so you are on top of everything, get the application. As a student, you need to know all the activities you need to undertake in any day. As one of the best student apps, ensures this is possible through its design and powerful features that make sure you make to-do lists that you follow to the letter. 

    Utilize this app to organize your life by identifying all your tasks. First, group them in different categories, for example, you may have a personal class where tasks like laundry and going for shopping would be. Come up with goals for each job and outline activities to undertake to meet them. Color code your to-do list and have as many tasks as possible listed under each category, such as the different assignments you have. Under each, make notes on what you need to do to complete it. 

    Once you have your list ready, come up with realistic deadlines to track your progress, and have a reminder to keep you on track. 

  • Cam Scanner


    A cam scanner is among the best apps for college students. As its name, the application helps you to scan documents and turn them into files in pdf format. So, have you found interesting information in your textbook to aid in your project, or do you want lecture notes? Use this app to scan and save them for future use. 

    As described in The Mobile India, The app boasts of several essential features. These include an advanced imaging processing capability, which helps to enhance or crop the document you want to scan. It also allows for multi-page scanning and can tag and share the material through email or a text.

    To use it, take a photo of the pages of a book, notes, or pictures you want with this app and let it enhance the image and save it as a pdf file. After this, you can store the document in your Goggle Doc or in the Dropbox, where you can access it any time you want. The free app will offer you a limit of fifty pages while the premium version lets you scan all the pages you want.

  • Kanban Flow

    Another useful app in the life of a student is the Kanban Flow. It is a learning management tool that allows users to learn and communicate with each other during a project with ease. Both college and university education requires you to work with some of your classmates in groups on a particular project. 

    Utilize this tool to follow up on how each group member is fairing in their part of the project. The framework of the app allows for the enumeration of different activities that need undertaking. It also allows each one to upload documents showing what they have completed and what they hope to work on next. You do not have to meet all the time or call each other to find out the progress of the project. 

    As a useful app for students, it will give you a real-time overview of the work situation among the group. By utilizing this structured tool, personal and group productivity will increases. It also fosters personal accountability as the app reminds you of what you need to do, getting tasks completed on time.

  • Dragon Anywhere

    When a professor is teaching and dictating the notes at the same time, taking them down in an accurate manner is almost impossible. In most cases, you end up missing a crucial point, and you end up with blanks in your notes. Filling in information on notes taken in a class that lasts an hour becomes a challenge. Do not worry as this is where Dragon Anywhere, one of the applications for students, comes in. 

    According to experts at, the app is a dictation solution for whenever one needs to take down notes. Instead of writing down on a book or typing what the professor says, download this application and set it on your phone. Then, set it so that it translates your professor’s speech into text.  

    Apart from translating speech into text for you, this subscription app, according to Laptop Mag, will ensure the accuracy of your writing. It will enable you to utilize customized words making the information personal to you and save time. Also, it facilitates you to keep the information so you can refer to it later or share it through emails. So, if you are looking to enjoy your lectures while missing nothing from the notes the professor gives out, get this app.

  • Calendly

    Trying to come up with a time when all members of a group project or study group are available is irritating. As any time identified, there are one or two individuals who have other things to do. With Calendly, however, such problems become a thing of the past. The internet-based application facilitates the automation of a study group or project, ensuring the identification of the opportune time for everyone. 

    To use well, jot down all the group activities and identify which time you are free. The app then shares your link to other group members where they get to pick a time they are free as well. It is through it that free time becomes evident without the need for calling or emailing each other back and forth to make a decision.  

    You want something bright and free to set your time, use this app for students. It will prevent last-minute meetings, ensure mutual availability, and automate your tasks making scheduling easy. Moreover, it works well with other apps such as iCloud to ensure you do not double book a day and Time Zone Intelligent app to ensure everyone is on the same page.


    The control of technological apps such as Facebook, Twitter, and Netflix, among others, has often been signs of procrastination and laziness among students. But despite this, technology can promote education as a college education can be freeing but stressful at times. Student-friendly applications are essential in school as students can utilize them to make learning productive. There are numerous useful apps in the market that you can select; try out these to become a successful student.

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