Technische Tipps

How to create a Photo album on Facebook Mobile app and site – Android and iOS

You can easily create a photo album and upload photos to it on the web desktop version of Facebook. However, things get a bit complicated when you try to so it on the mobile version of the website or using the app. The navigation required means that the process is not as simple when you are using your mobile to access Facebook and create a photo album. In this guide you will find the steps that will help you to make things easy, even when you are using your smartphone or tablet. We’ll start with the process that you need to follow in order to upload photos so that you can create an album on Facebook mobile on your Android or iOS device.

How to create an Album on Facebook mobile app for Android and iOS and touch version

The steps to create a photo album on Facebook using your touch device are very simple.

  1. Log in to your Facebook account, go to the top to the profile menu in the app/ mobile website (touch version)
  2. Scroll down and select “Photos”. You will see an option to create an album.
  3. Once you select “Create Album”, you will be asked to provide information including Album name, location and description. Enter the details required and then press the Save button. This is all you need to do to create an album.

How to create a Facebook Album on a non-touch device

  1. Go to Facebook on your mobile, log in to your account and go to the Profile option that appears at the top of the page.
  2. In Profile, select “Photos” and then “Create New Album”.
  3. Once you click on Create new album, you will be asked to enter the name of the album, location and description.
  4. After entering the information required, you just need to press Save. Your photo album should be ready.

Enter the above details, and click on “Save”, and the Photo Album will be created on Facebook.

And that is all. Now you will be able to organize your photos on Facebook, on any Android or iOS mobile device, without hassle

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