
Verizon Moto Z deal gives away free projector

The MotoMods are the real secret behind Motorola’s new Moto Z release, since the MotoMods give an aura of expandability and extension that make “modular” phones so popular. Well, there are only a few MotoMods available currently since the phone was announced this summer (just 4 months ago), but the Insta-Share Projector for the Moto Z has been the most expensive — priced at around $300. A new Verizon Moto Z deal from Best Buy now allows interested buyers to walk out the retail store with a free Insta-Share Projector.

This Verizon Moto Z deal is, by far, the best we’ve seen yet since the phone was announced some time ago. Best Buy did give $200 off the Moto Z and a free JBL audio MotoMod earlier this summer, but the Insta-Share Projector was never included as part of the deal. The JBL audio MotoMod is far more inexpensive than the $300 Insta-Share Projector, the one expensive MotoMod that Motorola has been hoping diehard cutting-edge tech enthusiasts will spend some serious “cheddar” on that can project up to 70 inches on a flat surface. Now, though, with the $300 Projector MotoMod thrown in as a free gift to those who buy the Verizon Moto Z from Best Buy, it seems as though a number of tech enthusiasts that’ve been waiting it out will finally throw their proverbial hat in the ring.

The Moto Z comes with standard specs such as a Quad HD AMOLED display, 4GB of RAM, a quad-core, Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 SoC, and so on, and these specs won’t surprise you if you’ve been keeping afloat of tech news. What will surprise you, however, is the idea of expanding your phone’s capabilities. I still insist that great audio, a projector, and extra battery life could always be built into device’s themselves without mandating more money on top of the $720 price tag (or $700 unlocked phone price), but some will find appeal in Motorola’s newest direction.

Does this new Verizon Moto Z deal interest you at all? Does this motivate you to pick up the Moto Z, or do you still think Motorola should have had more MotoMods in production by now?


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