
Best Chrome Tab Manager Extensions

There may be many other options available, but Chrome has managed to keep its place as a leading web browser and it is the preferred solution for millions of users. Chrome offers convenient features that make it ideal for everyday use. In many cases, we need to keep several tabs open at the same time and this can not only create some confusion, but can also have an impact on the performance of your device. Having many tabs open can slowdown your system as it takes a lot of resources. However, there are some Chrome tab manager extensions that can help you to get things under control. They will help you to reduce the impact on the system resources and will also allow you to browse in a more efficient way. Here is a list of the best options available.


When we come across a lot of different websites that offer information that interests us, or that we need for a project, we probably need to keep many tabs open at the same time. Going from one tab to another can be overwhelming, but thanks to TooManyTabs, it is possible to manage several tabs without going crazy. TooManyTabs can be accessed from the toolbar icon and it shows a preview of all the tabs that are open. You just need to go to a tab and click on its preview to see it. It is also possible to find tabs quickly by searching for their titles in the search bar search bar. TooManyTabs also gives you the possibility of backing up and restoring active tabs to your Google Drive account. With this practical extension, you can organize tabs effectively and it also lets you export and import data as HTML files.


Tabli combines simplicity and powerful performance. It is a convenient solution to manage Google Chrome tabs and it allows you to switch between them easily. With Tabli, you can save and restore browser windows. The extension is very easy to use and you can organize several tabs, as well as windows. Once you click the toolbar icon. you get a list of all the tabs that are open and they are organized by the Chrome windows they are open in. You just need to click on a tab in the listing to go to it. You can save tabs in a Chrome windows to reload them at a later stage. It also allows you to save a group of tabs within the same window as bookmarks.


With OneTab, you can save a high percentage of memory and enjoy a better browsing experience. Regardless of the amount of tabs that you have open, you can manage them from a single place by clicking the OneTab icon. This converts them into a list and you can restore them individually or all at once whenever needed. It is possible to save and restore several tabs as a group and you can even adjust the options to include or remove certain tabs from the list such as duplicate or pinned tabs.

Tab Manager

Tab Manager is very easy to use and it offers practical features. It is designed to help you to manage your open tabs in a simple and fast way. You can see the open websites via the extension’s favicons and once you click on one of them, you can go to the associated tab. It is possible to change the layout to show a vertical listing of the titles of the open tabs. You can also access buttons quickly to pin tabs, open new Chrome windows and more. There is also a search bar that lets you find what you need quickly and you can also select tabs using Ctrl and Shift. You can also delete tabs and windows and move tabs between windows.

Session Buddy

Session Buddy is another easy to use extension that lets you manage tabs and bookmarks without hassle. It keeps track of your active browsing sessions and of the open tabs within them. You can save open tabs and restore them at a later stage, which enables you to free up memory and keep things running seamlessly. You can recover open tabs even after your system crashes or when you need to restart your device. It is possible to save the information about your sessions as HTML files or in JSON or CSV format. Session Buddy offers multiple configuration settings such as the possibility of organizing tabs by topic.

The Great Suspender

As the name suggests, this extension can automatically suspend the tabs that you are not using, which will free up system resources. The Great Suspender is a practical solution to improve the performance of your device. After the time period you specify has passed, the extension will automatically suspend the unused tabs to free up memory. You can set the time frame between 20 seconds and 3 days. The Great Suspender offers many configuration options and it is possible to determine if pinned tabs or tabs that have forms that have not been saved should be suspended or not. It is also possible to whitelist some websites to make sure that their tabs are not suspended in any case.

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