
Les meilleurs fournisseurs de Cloud Gaming

Though cloud gaming is not new in the gaming industry, huge companies like Microsoft, Apple and Google have shown interest. In fact, these companies have developed and launched their own cloud gaming platforms.

In this type of gaming, you would only need to sign up to an online gaming platform, start the game and the data or information will then travel to and fro the cloud as audio and graphics.

As avid fans of games, we have searched for Android supported cloud gaming platforms and shall feature them all in this article.

Steam Link

This app is offered for free and could be found on Google Play Store. Though it is in beta mode, it is compatible with Android 5.0 or later models. It allows you to stream your games on your phone, tablet or G-Box Q3.

This app also works on Bluetooth controllers and you could pair it with XYBA. All you need to do is open the app, pair your remote, access your games and connect to your local PC running steam.


This app is like Steam Link where you are allowed to play your PC games on their cloud server. In other words, you could play wherever you are. You could play with your friends using your mobile devices. It is also compatible with Smart TV and G-Box. Furthermore, this app is compatible and supports Android 4.1 and up. If you run out of games to play, you could always try out DuckDice bitcoin casino.


Though this app is a little bit on the experimental stage, it works and supports Android devices 5.0 and above. It allows you to use different hardware providers from different locations. Furthermore, it allows you to choose between Paperspace or Amazon computer. Hopefully, in the future they will be able to cater more devices.

According to the developers of this app, they are continuously expanding and it might not be perfect yet, but you could try this cloud gaming provider with G-box Q3. It also supports Bluetooth controllers. Hence, you could also try to pair it with XYBA.


Shadow is another great option you could check out. It is a remote cloud gaming service which lends you high-end local PC. Hence, you do not have to worry about spending thousands of money just on a gaming PC. Shadow allows its users to have the ability to play on a Windows 10 programmed PC that comes with a high-end hardware. All you need to do is install the games you would wish to play and install the software you would need in order to play, work on their expensive machine. Once that you are done setting up Shadow, you will have to download the app and connect to cloud gaming rig to G-Box Q3. Through this, you will be able to stream 4K quality images with having not to worry about latency. They offer plans at a starting cost of $34.95 per month.


This app could work on all of your devices. All you need to do is download the app, create an account and choose from over 80 games to play. This cloud gaming app is compatible with Android 5.0 and above. Though this app is not that perfect yet, it is legitimately a cloud gaming provider that does not require you to physically have your own PC. This cloud gaming platform offers plans starting at $10.99 per month.


Technology evolves and improves fast and one of which is the gaming industry. We hope that through this article, we were able to provide you useful information which you could use to choose the best cloud gaming provider. What are you waiting for? Choose one and start enjoying playing your favorite games

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