Best OSU Tablets

If you have been playing OSU for quite sometime, you would of course would want to take your skills to the next level and to do this, you must have the right and proper device. One of the devices that you must have is a tablet that would help you improve your speed and accuracy.
If you are looking for the perfect OSU tablet, do not worry, we understand how overwhelming this could be especially with the numerous choices which you would have to consider. In this article, we shall feature the best OSU tablets which you could check out. We shall also provide you useful information which you could use as a guide.
What you need to know before you buy a tablet for OSU?
One of the most important factor that you must consider when choosing the best tablet that would best suit your needs is the size of your tablet. The size of the tablet affects one’s gameplay. In fact, if your tablet is too small, you might lose accuracy and if you have too large tablet, you would have to flick your arm too much which could also be tiring. These are just some reasons as to why players would often select medium sized tablets when playing OSU. In addition to that, you would also have to check the surface texture, pen and overall form. You can also check out our article on how to best setup your tablet for OSU
Best OSU Tablets
Here are some of the best OSU tablets and each and every tablet we are going to feature in this section offer different features and functions.
Wacom Intuos (CTL 4100)
- Hover distance: 7mm
- Active tracking area: 6.0 x 3.7 inches
- Input Lag: good
- Color: black, pistachio
- Pen: battery-free
The Wacom Intuos CTL 4100, we could say is the best OSU tablet option. It has the ability to handle intense OSU sessions for hours. It has a very fast response time and its input delay is very minimal. Its LPI resolution definitely provides better accuracy.
The CTL 4100 is made of high quality materials and it is designed impressively. Its top surface is scratch-resistant. This means, you would not need to worry about your screen of getting scratched from your pen.
Most pro level OSU players use Wacom tablets due to its impressive features and they are tested and reputable brand when it comes to OSU gaming. In fact, the CTL 4100 model offers updated design, faster response time and has an overall better build quality.
As for the size, this model comes in two sizes – small and medium. Take note, however, that the medium size is a bit too large for OSU which is why if you are looking into getting the CTL 4100, we suggest for you to get the Wacom Intuos Small which is considered as the perfect size for playing OSU. Moreover, if you are checking out the wireless one, we discourage you from getting this one due to its input delay.
The only downside about the Wacom Intuos is it is expensive. Though this is the case, it is a great and worth investing one.
One by Wacom (CTL 472)
- Active tracking area: 6.0 x 3.7 inches
- Input lag: good
- Hover distance: unknown
- Color: red, black
- Pen: battery-free
If you are looking for a tablet which is within budget, the One by Wacom is a perfect option for you. It offers fast response time which makes it great in playing OSU. Furthermore, what is amazing about this tablet is that it is not cluttered and the features which are non-essential are non-existent in this tablet. In fact, the design of One by Wacom is simple and though this is the case, it ensures that it offers high quality level of performance.
The One by Wacom comes with high quality scratch resistant screen and its response time and resolution are decent and great. This tablet could be connected to your computer through a USB cable.
This tablet offers two different color options – Red and Black. It comes in a very thin profile. As for the size, this tablet comes in two variants – small and medium variants. For OSU gaming, we suggest for you to get the One by Wacom small size.
Huion H430P
- Active tracking area: 4.8 x 3.0 inches
- Input Lag: good
- Hover distance: 10 mm
- Pen: battery-free
- Color: black
When it comes to graphics tablets, Huion is a brand to go to. They are well-known for their reputation and impressive tablets. In fact, if you are looking for an entry-level compact tablet, the Huion H430p is a perfect option.
The Huion H430p comes with a total active area of 4.8 x 3 inches which means it is a bit smaller compared to other tablets. It also comes with four buttons on both of its sides which means, this tablet is fully programmable. Moreover, you could use its stylus without any problems with its 4096 levels of pressure sensitivity.
This tablet, overall is a great generic tablet and many OSU players use this tablet as their primary OSU tablet.
XP Pen Star G640
- Active tracking area: 6.0 x 4.0 inches
- Input lag: good
- Hover distance: 10mm
- Color: black
- Pen: battery-free
If you are looking for a very thin tablet, then, this tablet is a perfect option for you. It has a tracking area of 6 x 4 inches and it also comes with a USB connector. This tablet includes a stylus which is fast tracking with 266 reports per second and pressure sensitivity of 8192 levels. Moreover, its pen is battery-free and lightweight which is very convenient especially when you are doing long OSU sessions.
This brand also is offered in smaller and cheaper version – Xp Pen Star G430S which comes with similar looks and features.
Gaomon S620
- Active tracking area: 6.5 x 4.0 inches
- Input lag: good
- Hover distance: 10 mm
- Color: black
- Pen: battery-free
Gaomon S620 would definitely give you value for your money. It offers a lot of features and at the same time it comes with an attractive design. This tablet includes a pen which gives the right balance of size and weight. In fact, this tablet is offered in a single size of 4 x 6 inches of tracking area.
This tablet comes with a free driver and it is compatible with Mac, Windows and Android. If you are in a tight budget and yet you would like something that offers quality, then, this tablet is a perfect option for you.
Huion H420
- Active tracking area: 417 x 2.23 inches
- Input lag: decent
- Hover distance: 6mm
- Color: black
- Pen: battery-powered
Looking for the cheapest tablet for OSU? The Huion H420 is the one that you should look into. It is a good tablet and it comes with a battery powered pen. Though it is slightly lower in terms of latency, OSU player recommend Hawku tablet driver which would increase the response time. Though the overall built quality is not as good as the others in this article, it is decent enough for OSU.
Buyers Guide for Selecting the Right Tablet for Playing OSU
Tablet Size – Smaller vs Larger Tablets
As mentioned earlier, size is a huge factor when playing OSU. It is highly suggested to select a tablet which is medium sized. If you wish for smaller tracking area while playing, you could still recalibrate your tablet to a smaller area.
Tablet and Pen Buttons – Get Rid of Them?
Tablets come with numerous and useful features. They are designed for graphics designing, digital painting and the like. This is why tablets often times come with pen which is perfect for graphics design but it is no real use in OSU. Buttons could be annoying and you would not want it to ruin your flow. These are just some of the main reasons as to why most OSU players disable buttons.
Hover or Drag in OSU?
This would depend on your personal preference.
What is drag?
This is when your pen touches the surface of your tablet and drags it just as your pen moves.
What is hover?
Hover is when your pen is just above the surface of your tablet and when the pen does not touch the surface of your tablet, it remains in the air.
Pen grip matters a lot
When holding a pen for long periods of time, there is a possibility that you could sweat and when this happens, pen could get slippery. This means, it is important that your pen come with textured plastic, silicon or rubber grip. The better the grip you have the better your OSU playing experience would be.
Wired vs Wireless Tablets
Though there are many good reasons to go for wireless tablets, in reality, they are not as fast as the wireless tablets. They often times experience latency and delays.
Official Tablet Drivers vs Hawku Drivers
Hawku drivers are very popular especially to those who are into OSU. The reason behind this is due to its settings and customization features. It allows you to improve tablet latency as well. However, if you are into the latest tablets from popular brands, we then, suggest to purchase the official drivers rather than hawku drivers.
Are Lefties Left Out? Left and Right-Hand Mode
There are many tablets which are designed for left-handed OSU players. In fact, all the tablets mentioned in this article, come with left-hand mode button which makes it perfect for left-handed players.
The first few weeks of owning an OSU tablet
The first time you would try OSU tablet might not be the smoothest experience you would have in terms of playing OSU. Do not worry as once you get used to it, you would definitely love it.
What else can you do with the tablet
You could use these types of tablets on graphic designing, digital painting, 3D sculpting, 2D/3D animation and many more.