Conseils techniques

How to solve: exchange email push not working

Once you have updated to the latest version of iOS, you may experience some initial issues. This doesn’t happen in every case, but some people have reported that they came across some problems with email push on their iOS after upgrading their iOS. The problem for some users is that they are unable to send and receive emails. We’ll go through some of the issues experienced by iOS users and the fixes that you can try.

Issue 1

The exchange account email push stopped working and there are no emails being sent or received. In addition, the exchange account only updates itself when you open the mailbox.


Remove exchange from iPhone and then add it again. Once you do this, the push schedule may work again.

Issue 2

The push was working and the mail notifications stopped working for the account. It continues showing you badges, alerts and more.


Go to notification settings and disable notifications for mail and then enable it again.

Additional options

You can also disable the background app and then perform hard boot of your iPhone. Just hold power down and the Home button.

Another fix that may work in case you have the same problem with Hotmail is to do the below:

  1. Delete your Hotmail account in your device
  2. Add a new email account and select Outlook mail account
  3. Once you see the prompt for your Outlook account, enter your Hotmail account login information.
  4. Once it is saved, check if the email type is Push or not.If it is set to manual, change it to push.

Here is another solution that you can try

  1. Delete exchange email account then go to Settings, Mail, Contacts, Calendars, followed by Exchange account and Delete Account.
  2. Reset network settings by going to Settings, then General, followed by Reset, then Reset Network settings. This will reboot the iPhone.
  3. Once the iPhone reboots, make sure that you don’t add any WiFi network until the exchange email account is setup again.
  4. You can setup the exchange email account this way: Go to Settings, then Mail, select Contacts, Calendars and then, Add Account. Fill all the settings and ensure that you see tick marks.
  5. Once you do this, your account will sync up. After verifying that the exchange account works, you will be able to add your WiFi network again.

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