An Xbox One Gears of War Collection has been a rumor for a while now but a number of items have popped up in the last couple days to make it a near certainty.
First, some clips of what certainly appear to be an upgraded Gears of War were posted to XBOXDVR, they have since been removed but as is usually the case with the internet, once it’s up it’s never gone.
As a result of these leaks a number of people in the BETA have lost their access to Xbox Live. The email obtained by Kotaku
Exhibit number 2 in the chain of evidence is the Brazilian ratings board listing Gears of War: Ultimate Edition as an upcoming title.
While there has not yet been an official announcement of a remastered Gears it now may qualify as the “worst kept secret in gaming, at least currently. With E3 just around the corner, it seems likely the official announcement will take place there. Microsoft’s E3 Press Conference will take place June 15th beginning at 9.30am PT/12.30pm ET.