
Top 5 Best Grammar Checkers in 2019

Professional writers or the students working on college assignments, we all want to have a trusted way of ensuring that the grammar is perfect each time we write.

With the changes in the online and technology world, grammar checking has become easier. There are now various programs and tools that you can use for you to stay on top of the game with your writing skills.

Grammar is an important aspect of good writing. While most browsers have built-in spellcheck, they don’t check for either grammar or readability. But the best grammar checker should have all the features to help you create the best writing. This post will look at some of the grammar checkers that are available on the market.

Grammarly alternative


Grammarly is one of the best online spelling and grammar checkers. It detects errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, word choice, and style while writing on any platform, including social media and word document.

It has both free and premium versions designed to make it easy for you to drag and drop into the Grammarly icon. The documents are checked for errors at a fast speed and provides a readability score to assist you in making a good assessment of your writing.

The free version has limited features but you can still customize them such as selecting your preferred language and adding some words that you use often. Other features include Microsoft Word and Outlook plugin, personal editor, Grammar and spelling checks, and update of a personal dictionary.   

Robot Don

Robot Don is another trusted grammar checker designed to detect plagiarism and it improves vocabulary. It’s a trusted plagiarism checker with the plagiarized text highlighted in color and it lets you know the exact original sources of where they were taken from.

The free grammar checker serves as a great tool for the students who don’t have a big budget for premium paid tools to complete their college writing assignments and project reports. Although it’s free, the features are much better than the premium version of many other tools.

On the other hand, the vocabulary enhancement tool focuses on detecting and alerting you performs various functions. It includes checking if you are using a wrong word, suggesting a better word, it provides you with a list of synonyms, and it suggests replacement words.

Robot Don will also let you know if your text has a negative tone such as anger, fear, disgust, and joy so that you can make some changes.     


Ginger is a great grammar software that helps you to write better English by avoiding embarrassing mistakes. This program is available on most platforms including Microsoft Word and web pages. It corrects spelling and grammar errors and also restructures simple sentences.

Unlike other grammar tools, it adds synonyms and missing words based on your sentence construction. This is an easy to use program which also has a translation tool and it suggests and edits the right texts in a simple and quick way making your writing job easier.

Ginger predict words that you are about to write with great accuracy. You can download this app for free, but to have the best features, you will need to upgrade it to a paid subscription.             


Hemingway editor is another popular online grammar checker that helps writers to write in a simple and clear way. It detects and corrects in the use of adverbs, complex sentences, and passive words.

Hemingway has two notable features which are “write” and “edit”. The writing feature helps you to write clear sentences, while the editing one provides formatting options, highlights, and a summary.

The formatting features enables you to write in bold and italic style and you can also add bullets and headlines. Some of the other features include color-coded texts which have errors, difficult to understand sentences, grammar errors, and passive voice.

Scribens is a free grammar check software that is focused on correcting grammar, spelling, and style of writing errors. This is a simple to use tool which has a comprehensive user interface.

Scribens offers suggestions on how you can avoid making the same mistakes and it suggests to you the better text replacements for most of the common words.

The best part about this program is the fact that it doesn’t have a limit on the number of characters or words that it can analyze. You can use this tool on Google Chrome, Safari, and Mozilla Firefox. The great part is its compatibility with Microsoft Word, Word Online, Excel Online, and Google Docs.


The best grammar checker should be able to improve your writing. The 5 checkers discussed above have the necessary features that you will need to improve your writing career. While the free version is a great tool, the premium version will make a huge difference in the final outcome because of the extra features that it offers.

When selecting a grammar checker to use, make sure that it performs the basic functions such as grammar errors, spelling errors, and plagiarism. These tools have different features and functions, so it’s important to choose the one that suits your specific writing requirements.    

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One Comment

  1. To your point about Hemingway being easy to use: I found that this was true only once I got used to the color-coded approach. I like the features that the free version of Hemingway comes with, I’ve been looking around for similar alternatives. {I’ve only used INK a few times but the UI seems less disruptive and has some SEO features as well.

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