Tech Tips

What is is a scam which usually are utilized by cyber criminals. They use it to steal passwords and logins by sending an email asking people to click on a link which would request for personal details. Since the email indicates the popular brand, apple, there are a lot of Apple users who get victimized by this type of scan. Hence, it is highly recommended for you to ignore this email especially if you have nothing to do with Apple. Email Scam Overview

The email is a message sent to potential victims which states that apple ID of the potential victim has been used in another device and that the Apple ID has been disabled temporarily for security reasons. In the email, you would also find instructions to sign into the apple account and password in a deceptive website. Though the URL address may seem legitimate website of Apple, it is actually a hyperlink., is actually a text which redirects you to a URL of a fake Apple ID management website which is used to steal your credentials. The email would urge Apple users to sign in within 24 hours and once you do, your information would be stolen. This means, the scammers would be able to access your App Store, iMessage, iCloud, etc. Hence, we highly recommend if you receive this type of email, delete it immediately.

Spam Campaigns In General

Scammers use spam campaigns, tools and strategies which would help them extort money. Opening these emails and clicking on links could lead to financial losses. Hence, it is highly recommended to be more cautious in trusting emails which are similar to rogue emails like – Hey, It’s me! Your Future Friend or I Have A Forum In The Darkweb.

Unfortunately, spam campaigns are often used to infect computers and systems. Emails sent could contain malicious attachments wherein when opened would install high risk viruses such as LokiBot, Emotet, TrickBot, AZORuit, Adwind and many more.

How Do Spam Campaigns Infect Computers?

As mentioned earlier, spam campaigns could lead to your computer getting infected by viruses and malware. These campaigns could only be effective when the recipient of the email would open the attachments or when clicking on links.

How to Avoid Installation of Malware?

  • Be cautious of emails which are from unknown senders and suspicious addresses.
  • Do not open attachments of links
  • Download software only from official websites
  • Use direct links
  • Do not use peer-to-peer networks, unofficial/dubious websites, third party downloaders, etc.
  • Install and use a reputable anti-virus or anti-spyware software

Examples of Email Messages

“Dear Customer, Your Apple ID was used to sign in to a new web browser. Date and Time:, IP address: Country: Your Apple ID has been temporarily disabled for security reasons. When you see this alerts, you can go to to unlock your account with your existing password. Your account will permanently disabled if you do not verify your account under 24 hours. Sincerely, Apple Support.”

“Dear Customer, Your Apple ID has been locked for security reasons. To unlock it, you must verify your identity. Unlock Account. If you don’t unlock your account before 24 hours, your account password will change automatically. You could reset your password at Sincerely, Apple Support.

Instant Automatic Mac Malware Removal:

Removing computer threats could be very complicated. Sometimes, it requires advanced IT skills. Hence, we highly recommend for you to use an instant automatic malware removal such as the Combo Cleaner. This tool is highly recommended to remove Mac malware.

Types of Malicious Emails

Phishing Emails

This type of emails are often used by cybercriminals to lure users to provide sensitive personal information such as login credentials, email accounts and even banking information. This type of attack is commonly known as phishing. In this type of attack, cybercriminals would send an email which would look as if it came from a legitimate company such as Microsoft, DHL, Amazon, DHL, Netflix, etc. Subject of the email would provide sense of urgency such as wrong shipping address, expired password, etc. Once you have clicked and opened the link in the email, you would be redirected to a website which looks identical to the original one. You would be asked to enter your password, credit card details and other personal information.

Emails with Malicious Attachments

Another type of attack which is also used popularly by cybercriminals is through spam emails which contain malicious attachments. These attachment could contain trojans which have the ability of stealing passwords, sensitive information and banking information.

The attack would lure potential victim into opening emails which contain malicious attachment. Once you open the attachment, your computer would then be infected and your personal and sensitive information.

Sextortion Emails

This type of email is a type of phishing. You would receive an email which would claim that the cybercriminal could access webcam of the potential victim and has a video recording of masturbation. For you to be able to get rid of video, you would need to pay ransom through Bitcoin or another cryptocurrency. These claims are not real and recipients of these emails should just ignore it.

How to Spot A Malicious Email?

  • Check sender’s email address. Ensure that the email is not from a legitimate source. if it is malicious, hover your mouse over the from address.
  • Check for generic greetings such as dear user, dear valid customer or dear – these types of greeting should raise suspicion as legitimate companies would usually address you by your name.
  • Check links in the email – hover your mouse over the link. If the link seems suspicious we suggest for you not to click on it.
  • Don’t blindly trust email attachments – legitimate companies will ask you to log in to their websites and view documents on their site itself. If you received an attachment, we highly recommend for you to do a virus scan on the attachment. We highly suggest to use Combo Cleaner Antivirus for macOS.

What to do if you fell for an email scam?

  • Ensure that you change your password as soon as possible. Do it in a timely manner.
  • Contact your bank as soon as possible.
  • If you suspect of identity theft, contact the Federal Trade Commission.
  • If you have opened malicious attachment, scan your computer with a reputable antivirus application like the Combo Cleaner Antivirus for macOS.
  • Report phishing emails to Anti-Phishing Working Group, FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center or National Fraud Information Center.


Why did I receive this email?

Spam emails are not personal. Emails are usually sent randomly to many emails.

I have provided my personal information when tricked by spam email, what should I do?

Change your password right away. Call your bank if you have provided your bank details.

I have read a spam email but didn’t open the attachment, is my computer infected?

No, your computer would not be infected by just reading an email. However, if you open the attachment, then, there is a possibility of your computer getting infected.

I have downloaded and opened a file attached to a spam email, is my computer infected?

Yes, there is a possibility that your computer is infected.

Will Combo Cleaner remove malware infections present in email attachments?

Yes, Combo Cleaner has the ability to detect and remove malware infections.

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