
Jifiti Makes Gift Giving Almost Effortless

Sometimes there just isn’t enough time to go out to a department store and try to find the right gift for a birthday or other occasion. We especially feel we need to get a gift when we are specifically invited to an event. There are many tools out there to send electronic invitations via email or other methods. Only now is there a proper tool to respond to that invitation with. Instead of just RSVPing through sending an email back, Jifiti is the new option to actually send a gift back.

We’ve seen this with Facebook and other websites that will allow people to buy a Starbucks or Target gift card for someone’s birthday, but Jifiti has made this possible as a one-click purchase option on invitations that you receive. Users have the option of choosing from a variety of retailers that they have established relationships with. From there the recipient has the option of printing out that email and redeeming it in store, or possibly returning it for a voucher that they can use in store. This was an intentional structure to prevent so many returned gifts from the retailers. If every gift that was selected were to be mailed to the recipient, and the recipient initially sent out 20 or even 50 invitations, that would undoubtably result in duplicates and several returns.

Jifiti is hoping to be the Paypal of this space, by allowing easy one-click shopping solutions for any company that already provides electronic invitations. The standalone app is great for saving money on shipping for gifts as it stands. By using the Jifiti app to buy friends gifts online, they receive a gift card that is redeemable in store for the product. What makes this more unique and more novel than just buying someone a gift card is that personal touch of having actually chosen a gift for someone. Usually someone receiving a gift doesn’t actually want a gift card because there is little thought put into that, but this way they still feel like something was picked out just for them.

Jifiti is a free app and is available on iPhones and Android phones. As they integrate their app services within electronic invitations, it will be even easier than before to quickly gift something to a friend, but anyone with a birthday to a long distance wedding, to a graduation in another state can be a gifting chore quickly extinguished by saving the time needed to go to the store and then wrapping it up and taking it to the post office.

I recommend this app because everyone needs it. Everyone has to buy gifts from time to time and I don’t know anyone that doesn’t like the one-click checkout on Amazon, and this is essentially that but for gifting. When it was difficult to buy gift cards for friends and loved ones in the past for fear of looking insensitive, now you are just saving time and shipping by sending them a voucher for the same product that they can then pick up or very easily return if need be.

[wpsm_offerbox button_link=”” button_text=”Website” price=”Free” title=”Jifiti Website” description=”Visit Jifiti’s official website for any other details or information” thumb=”” ]

[wpsm_offerbox button_link=”” button_text=”Google Play” price=”Free” title=”Android App” description=”Click here to download Jifiti’s for your Android Phone or Tablet” thumb=”” ]

[wpsm_offerbox button_link=”” button_text=”iTunes” price=”Free” title=”iOS App” description=”Click here to download Jifiti’s for your iPhone or iPad.” thumb=”” ]

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