
Beste OCR-Software

OCR software allows you to convert scanned documents into editable text (words), without losing the original layout and format. This software is a convenient solution at work or at home and will save you a lot of time since you won’t need to type again the document in order to make changes. When you are looking for the best quality OCR software, fast performance and accuracy are two key aspects that you need to look for. The best solutions available in the market are known for the efficiency and speed that they offer when you need to convert images, books, PDF documents or books into text that can be edited. In addition, they provide complete accuracy and ensure that the format of the original document is maintained. We have listed the most effective and accurate that you can find in the market.

ABBY FineReader PRO

ABBY offers top solutions that allow you to convert scanned files, graphics and PDF to editable text. FineReader PRO is the best option created by the company, thanks to its impressive speed, accuracy and reliability. You can convert printed files to Word, Excel or EPUB. FireReader PRO supports the conversion of documents that include tables and columns. It also allows you to convert documents in hundreds of languages and it provides great performance. The Standard version is available for around $200 USD.


In terms of accuracy, Captricity is an excellent choice and it lets you convert multiple types of documents, including handwriting ones. Captricity provides a high level of accuracy and its handwriting recognition technology is truly remarkable. In fact, Captricity is the preferred choice of many healthcare organizations and government agencies. Given the advanced performance and the high price of the software, it is a solution that is more suitable for business needs.


TopOCR is available for just $4.99 and it allows you to convert a variety of files to plain texts. Although it doesn’t support graphics or tables, it offers great speed and good document results. The text output can be saved in PDF text format and there is also a PDF to MP3 text converter available. TopOCR is a convenient option that supports features like image editing and you can also rotate the document or adjust the brightness & contrast.

Simple OCR

Simple OCR is a good option if you are looking for ease of use. It can convert scanned books and documents into text files that you can edit. While it doesn’t support PDF file output, picture or tables, it is a practical option to convert scanned documents. You can get an unlimited license for printed documents that can be scanned. If you want to convert handwritten documents, there is only a license limited to 14 days.

ABBYY FineReader Online

The web version of ABBYY FineReader is ideal for users who don’t want to install software on their computers. Although there is a free service available, you need to register to be able to convert up to 10 pages. If you want additional features and the option to convert more pages, you can upgrade to a paid subscription starting at $49 per year for over 2000 pages. ABBYY FineReader Online supports hundreds of languages and an extensive selection of formats such as PDF, bmp, jpg, jpeg, dcx, tif and png. In addition, the output file can be saved to Dropbox, Box, Evernote, Google Drive and other services. The downside is that it is not possible to edit recognized documents in Finereader Online.

Adobe Acrobat Pro DC

With Adobe Acrobat Pro DC, you can create, edit and convert PDF files without hassle. It supports OCR features and can be used to convert graphic files and PDF files. The output supports columns, tables and graphics. There is a cloud version available for $15 per month and a desktop version that costs $450.

Boxoft Free OCR

With Boxoft Free OCR you can convert a graphical file to text and the software supports multiple languages including Spanish, Dutch, Italian, Basque, French and German. You can connect Boxoft Free OCR to your scanner and the software can extract text from graphical files in just a matter of seconds. However, there are a few downsides. First of all, PDF files are not supported. In addition, Boxoft Free OCR doesn’t keep the original format of the file and only provides results in plain text. In spite of its shortcomings, it can be a good option if you want to convert documents that don’t have tables.

Free OCR

Free OCR is an easy to use option lets you convert graphic files, PDF files and scanned photos into plain text, but it doesn’t support tables and columns. There are nearly 30 languages supported and the service is web based, meaning that you won’t need to install software.

Microsoft OneNote

OneNote is mainly used for taking notes and organizing information, but it also features OCR capabilities. It is possible to copy texts from images and graphics and you can save the text to a clipboard and paste it to Word or a similar option. All you need to do to extract the ext is to insert the graphics file to OneNote, right-click on the pictures and then on “Copy Text from Picture”.

Free OCR to Word

With TechCandy’s Free OCR to Word, you can convert images to editable text. It can be used to convert books, receipts and other documents. It supports graphical files, PDF and more. The software is very convenient and it is available for free. The only issue is that during the installation of Free OCR to Word, you are offered additional software that can be a nuisance. However, you can simply reject this.

Neuroph OCR Handwriting recognition

Neuroph is an open source solution that offers handwriting recognition capabilities.

It is part of a project that aims to show how neural networks can be implemented in handwriting recognition of letters and charcaters. Neuroph is based on the Java Neural Network framework and can be used as a standalone solution or a Neuroph plugin.

Google Docs

Google Docs is focuses on offering collaboration and archiving features, but it also supports OCR capacity. When you upload an image to Google Docs, you have the chance of converting it to text that can be edited. In order to access the OCR capability, you need to enable the “Convert text from PDF and image files to Google documents” option. After uploading the image, you just need to right click and then click on Open image with and choose Google Docs. Although Google Docs doesn’t support Image & Table or bulk conversion, it is a free and practical solution if you have a Gmail account.


Evernote is a very popular solution that allows you to save notes including graphics, texts or lists of items. It is compatible with major platforms like Windows, Mac, Android and iOS. The application is able to look for text in images, which makes it a practical option in some cases. However, the OCR images features only allows you to search for text but it is not possible to extract or copy the text from the pictures.

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