
iDevices iGrill Mini - Was ist das?

iDevices has developed what can only be considered as a revolution in the field of cooking. The technology oriented cooking equipment manufacturer has recently released the iDevices iGrill Mini. The iDevices iGrill Mini is Bluetooth enabled with iOs operated devices and is fairly simple to set up. It costs $39.99 and is most definitely a bargain at that price. A more expensive model of the iDevices iGrill is worth $79.99 and is full-sized compared to the $39.99 Mini version.

The pint-sized probe features a 2-inch by 2-inch body, which is operated via Bluetooth from up to a 150 feet distance. The regular sized iGrill is operational at distance reaching up to 200 feet. The battery on the devices is quite underwhelming, so it is not expected that it would actually last when used for smoking for long periods of time. When the iGrill will be used for long periods of time however, it is advisable to have spare CR2032 coin batteries at the ready to power the device when the battery inside of it eventually dies.


The iDevices iGrill Mini features a modern design in a compact 2-inch by 2-inch body. It is operational via Bluetooth at distances of up to 150 feet. The probe is substantial for its size and looks quite sophisticated, being able to blend in with a kitchen filled with kitchen gadgetry. During testing the iDevices iGrill Mini was able to roast a whole chicken and was also able to smoke a whole pork shoulder on the grill. The $39.99 probe registers fairly accurate temperatures.

The battery will most definitely not last for 150 hours, contrary to what iDevices states. The iDevices iGrill Mini is not ideal for prolonged smoking sessions, as the batteries will die after a number of hours. The device is handy however, as it still lets the user cook his or her food to the “ideal” specifications.


Costing only $39.99, the iGrill Mini is definitely a bargain. But, any product is not without its flaws. It is only available for iOs users, which may make Android users feel left out and frequently replacing the batteries can be quite frustrating. The Bluetooth functionality may also present a problem as it does not work in all environments under all types of conditions.
This handy thermometer probe lets users cook their food to their liking without the need to be hands-on throughout the cooking process. In short, the iDevices iGrill Mini is definitely a must have for any grill and barbeque lover.

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