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Wie viel Cloud-Speicher können Sie kostenlos erhalten?

We all like to get things for free, which is why companies in all areas always seek to attract customers by offering some of their services without charging any fee. Although paying for a cloud storage solution ensures that you get more features and space, there are free options that allow you to preserve at least some of your data. A paid cloud storage solution also gives you security and reliability, but if you only want to keep a few files that are not crucial, a free service may not be a bad choice.

Still, it is important to keep in mind the limitations of free cloud storage. For instance, there are some restrictions in terms of bandwidth transfer and support, not to mention that many of these services also feature ads. If a free cloud storage service still sounds like the most appealing option, keep on reading as we take a look at the amount of cloud storage that you can get if you use all the free options available.

It should be noted that there are new services constantly being released so the task of finding out every single option available, can be very challenging. As such, this is not an all-inclusive list, but it can give you a good idea of how much cloud storage space you can get for free. Also, keep in mind that we haven’t taken into consideration providers that offer less than 5GB of free storage. We have focused on the standard amount of storage space that you can get on a single free account with each of the providers that offer this options. Even without including the providers that offer a small amount of cloud storage, you can get a lot of free space. Below you will find details of how much you can get.

DeGoo 100GB

DeGoo is a cloud storage provider based in Sweden and while it lacks the productivity features that you can get from other services, it stands our by offering up to 100GB for free. Degoo promises to protect your data with a high level of encryption (256-bit AES) and for transfers, SSL/TLS secure tunnel is used. Degoo also keeps multiple copies of each file to ensure that you can recover your data whenever needed. You can even get additional storage space by referring a friend. It is possible to get 3GB for each friend referred and in total, it is possible to get up to 500GB.

Mega – 50GB

Mega is a name that many people will recognize and this provider gives you up to 50GB of free storage. In order to get higher upload bandwidth and more space, you will need to upgrade but the 50GB offer on its own is quite good and combined with other services that give you the same amount, ensures that you get a lot of free storage space for your data. Adrive is another good solution and now it offers an improved interface. It also has good quality mobile apps and you can edit documents using Zoho and complete other tasks. Mediafire is another provider that allows users to store up to 50GB of their data.

Google Drive – 15GB

Google gives users up to 15GB, distributed across Gmail, Google Drive and Google + Photos. It is a convenient solution for those who use Picasa and Google Docs on a regular basis. If you have a business and a personal Gmail account, you can get twice the amount of storage.

5GB to 10GB

pCloud has a free solution that gives you up to 10GB of storage and 50GB for download link traffic. It is possible to get additional storage space (up to 10GB more) by referring friends and family, or completing some easy tasks. With the Basic free plan, you can enjoy collaboration features and work on a variety of projects, managing editing permissions and more. Options like Bitcasa, Cyphertite, MiMedia and Symform can also be considered when it comes to accumulating free online storage space. Cyphertite gives you up to 8GB, while MiMedia provides 7GB. Bitcasa and Symform give you up to 5GB per year. Microsoft OneDrive allows you to store up to 5GB of storage space through its Basic plan. Flipdrive, OpenDrive, iDrive and Comodo Backup are other services that give you up to 5GB of storage space.


Overall, you can get at least over 370GB of free storage if you combine all the options available, in some cases you can get even more by referring friends and family. Using multiple free online storage solutions would be enough to store files, music tracks, images and much more. Unless you have a large collection of videos, you may not need a lot of storage space and using free plans could be the most practical way to protect your data without breaking the bank.

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