Technische Tipps

Ein-Klick-Root-Lösung für Motorola-Geräte

Rooting is a process that allows you to get more out of your Android device, accessing additional options and having more control over the settings. If you have a Motorola device such as Moto X and you want to root it, you’ll be glad to know that there is a very easy method that will allow you to do so very easily. Thanks to the MotoRoot app, you will be able to get Root Access on your Motorola device in just one click. If you have a Droid Maxx device, things get even easier because the solution we’ll discuss here also has an Unroot option. This means that you can revert the process and unroot your phone. With the MotoRoot App, all you need is one tap to complete the process.

While rooting allows you to customize your Motorola phone in the way you prefer, there are some things that you need to keep in mind before proceeding. For starters, the rooting method we will discuss here only works for Moto X, Droid MAXX, Droid Ultra and Droid Mini. In addition, your device has to be running Android 4.2 and if you have later versions, it won’t work. Apart from that, the process is simple and it doesn’t pose any risk. However, you need to be careful and keep in mind that if you root your device and there are any issues, it is only your responsibility. Make sure that you back up important data, including your files and apps. You will also need to enable USB Debugging on your device.

How to root your Motorola device using the MotoRoot App

  1. Download the MotoRoot app for the Motorola Maxx, Mini or Ultra from this link:
  2. Run the command: adb install -r motoroot-.apk to install it. Run the app on your device.
  3. Tap on the Setup button and allow sometime for the handset to reboot. Install SuperSU from the Play Store:]

Your device will reboot and then the rooting process should be completed. While the MotoRoot App is a great way to take your Motorola device to the next level, it is not the only solution. This allows you to get root access in an easy way. It even lets you to write to the system and get system user by changing the code to bypass the write protection applied to the system by default.

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