Technische Tipps

PS4 Controller Gelbes Licht erklärt: Was es verursacht und wie man es behebt

If you are experiencing yellow light on your PlayStation 4 controller, do not worry, you are not alone. In fact, many gamers are in the same boat. We understand your frustration which is why in this article, we will provide you useful information on what are the causes of this yellow light of death and how to fix this issue.

There are many reasons as to why you are experiencing the yellow light on your PS4 controller. This could be due to power issues or faulty hardware. In this article, we will provide you a guide on how to determine what causes the issue and what must be done for you to get back into the game. We shall also provide you some tips on how to maintain your PS4 controller to avoid any issues such as the yellow light.

What Is The PS4 Controller Yellow Light?

When you see a yellow light on your PS4 controller and you are wondering what it means, do not worry as it does not mean that there is an issue with your system. In fact, it is an indicator coming from your controller.

The light bar indicator or Dualshock light bar is where you would see a light which indicates that there is an issue. The yellow light on your PS4 controller means it is warning you about your PS4 controller’s battery levels. The battery level is low and you would need to charge it soon.

Common Causes of the Yellow Light

Aside from low battery levels, there are different possible reasons as to why your PS4 controller is indicating a yellow light.

  • Low Battery – when the battery is low, your controller would show a yellow light which means you would need to charge your PS4 controller.
  • Overheating – there is a possibility that your controller has been in used for a long time. This means, you would need to ensure that your controller cools down.
  • Poor connection -If you are using wireless controller, this means that you have a poor connection.

How to Fix PS4 Controller Yellow Light

Reset your Controller

One way to fix your PS4 controller is by resetting your controller. To do this, press down the power button for about five seconds until it turns off. Press and hold the power button until the yellow light appears.

Check for Any Obstructions

Check if your controller does not have any obstructions in the ports. There could be dust which could interfere with your controller.

Check Batteries

If you do not find any obstructions, you could check the batteries. Ensure they are charged or better yet, replace them. In addition to that, make sure that the connectors are properly seated and that they make contact with each other. If you have checked everything and nothing works, you might need to go to a professional repair service.

Is It Safe to Ignore the Yellow Light Warning?

When the indicator on your PS4 controller sends you a warning notification, it means your controller needs attention and it should not be ignored. Though it may seem a minor issue, it could turn into a serious one if it is ignored and could lead to your entire system to malfunction and become unresponsive. Here are some common causes to yellow light warning:

  • Low Battery -If your controller’s charge is below 15%. A yellow light warning will appear.
  • Controllers are not original – non-original controllers tend to malfunction most of the time.
  • Corrupted System Files – If you are playing games with non-official software, your files could be corrupted.

Recommended Solutions for a Lasting Fix

Check Power Sources

If your PS4 is not connected properly to the power outlet, the controller would not be able to connect to the console and receive charge. Ensure that your PS4 is connected to your power outlet correctly.

Reset Controller via Safe Mode

Hold the turn off your PS4 for about 7 seconds until you hear two beeps. This will put your PS4 into safe ode. Select rebuild database and select restart system.

Update System Software

If your system are not updated, you could run into some issues and problems. It is better to ensure that your system is updated. To do this, go to settings, select system software update and download available updates or patches.

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