
Spotify Family Pack 50% Off

Today we bring you a sweet deal for fans of streaming music as Spotify, one of the biggest names in digital music has just announced their “Family Plan”. The Family Plan requires you to have at least 1 full price premium account (10/month) but allows you to add up to 4 additional “family members” to your account at 50% off. The pricing is pretty straight forward at $10 per month for 1 account or 15, 20, 25, or 30 dollars per month depending how many family members you would like to add. This translates to roughly $240 of savings, over the course of a year, for a family of five.

While they will all be grouped under one main account each of the smaller profiles will act as their own account complete with custom playlist and recommendations. Premium accounts also come with the added benefit of allowing you to download music for offline listening which is not possible with their free account.

Spotify is quickly becoming one of the big players in digital music thanks to their advanced recommendation algorithm, friendly user interface, and due in no small part to their success securing licensing deals with major labels including Sony, EMI, Warner Music Group and Universal. Another reason for their success is their impressive range of platform support as you would be hard pressed to find an OS which doesn’t support it.  Spotify currently boasts over 10 million premium subscribers and over 40 million users overall!

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