
Telstra customers get Pixel phones a week early

Google’s Pixel phones have just been announced a few weeks ago, but Google’s latest gadgets won’t be delivered or arrive to most residences until month’s end. In Australia, though, things are different: Google announces a product, and it takes at least 4-6 weeks after devices are delivered in the US to get it. For most Australian customers, then, the Pixel phones would normally have landed at the end of November/December just in time for the holidays. Fortunately, though, Australian carrier Telstra has come to the rescue to help customers get their Pixel phones earlier than usual.

How? By delivering them to customers as of this week. According to the source, Australian carrier Telstra started delivering the Pixel phones (called “Pixel” and “Pixel XL”) this week to its customer base. Now, while Telstra’s early delivery seems exceptional, it’s been pointed out on social media that the Australian carrier gives early deliveries all the time.

The Pixel phones feature a 5-inch display (Pixel) and 5.5-inch display (Pixel XL), both having AMOLED panels, with HD and Quad HD resolutions, Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 821 SoC (which is an incremental update to the Snapdragon 820), 4GB of LPDDR4 RAM, and your choice of either 32GB/64GB of internal storage). The Pixel phones also come with full resolution photo and video uploads to Google Photos — meaning that you can take 4K videos and upload them without having to scale down their quality. The same goes for photos: now, Pixel owners won’t have to scale down their photos from Quad HD to 1080p (Full HD) to take advantage of their free high quality photo upload.

Aside from the usual specs for high-end smartphones in 2016, the Pixel phones are also Daydream VR-compatible, meaning that they work out of the box with Google’s new Daydream VR headset, and this is a win for mobile VR and consumers.

With that said, Telstra customers are really, really lucky. Let’s hope Verizon customers here in the US are as lucky.


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