
Yellowbag stellt das Einkaufen in den Hintergrund

There are shoppers and there are buyers. Buyers go to a store that they know has the product and they walk in a buy it without any real analysis as to whether they got the right price or if there is a deal elsewhere. Shoppers break it down to a science. Some use coupons, some scour tons of websites for the best deal, and most are always on the lookout for the best deal. There is a lot of money to be saved by the smart shopper and being smart with deals can make the difference between affording a new outfit and a new wardrobe.

Welcome to the scene, Yellowbag. This new app is all about tracking deals to save you time constantly checking if the price drops on a specific item. Simply make a list with your favorite products and Yellowbag will alert you just when the price drops on any item. The price is tracked daily, and your items can all be categorized and organized neatly so you can easy see when the right time to buy is. The idea is that you’ll be the first to know about any sales or events, and more importantly, when the price of something you have your eye on lowers. All of your shops are stored in an address book and Yellowbag automatically saves a shop for you when a new item is added to your list. Users also have the option of adding a shop themselves.

Most apps are about saving time or saving money, but rarely does one do both effectively. Yellowbag does it right not by trying to sell you anything, just by letting you know the prices so you can make that decision when the number is right for you. If your goal is to be the first of your friends to find sales then this is certainly the right tool. No more need to constantly monitor deal websites and look up prices on your own; just get a notification instead. This is especially useful for when websites have flash sales and short term liquidation deals that are solely for the purpose of getting rid of inventory. Normally those types of sales don’t last long and buyers are stuck with a first-come-first-serve system that can leave you holding the bag.

Unlike most new apps, Yellowbag is available on both iOS and Android. Yellowbag is free to download too, which is ideal because there really is no risk to trying it out if it results in saving a few bucks here and there. I would definitely recommend the app as something that can used with another app like Pinterest that hasn’t fully integrated buying or buying at the best price into their platform. Although Yellowbag is not going to be used as a great shopping discovery tool, it can serve as a very necessary complement as we have so many ways of finding new items. Now we have a way to get those new items at the best possible price.

[wpsm_offerbox button_link=”” button_text=”Website” price=”Free” title=”Yellowbag Website” description=”Click here to visit Yellowbag’s official website for all other details.” thumb=”” ]

[wpsm_offerbox button_link=”” button_text=”Google Play” price=”Free” title=”Android App” description=”Click here to download the Yellowbag app for your Android phone or tablet. ” thumb=”” ]

[wpsm_offerbox button_link=”” button_text=”iTunes” price=”Free” title=”iOS App” description=”Click here to download the Yellowbag app for your iPhone or iPad.” thumb=”” ]


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