No Man's Sky, el esperado mayor juego de 2016 por fin está listo
After four years characterized by, legal problems, a flooded studio, and a major delay, it is now official that No Man’s Sky is finally finished. Sean Murray, the head of UK-based developer Hello Game, posted a group selfie of the team celebrating, after they achieved the long-awaited milestone. Murray noted that No Man’s Sky just went gold, meaning it is ready to be sent off to the manufacturing and distribution. He further pointed out that he was extremely proud of his small team.
No Man’s Sky is basically a wildly ambitious survival game that sees players wonder through space exploring the uncharted galaxy, with entire planets and flora and fauna to be discovered. The main aim of the game is to reach the center of the universe, with the game being based on the in between travels. While playing, you get to decipher alien languages, learn about new species of animals and plants, upgrade your spaceship and equipment and much more
Most game reviews have described it as crazy massive with a total of 18 quintillion planets for players to discover and explore. It has been estimated that if you only spent one second visiting each of them, you will take about 500 billion years to see them all. Each planet has a different landscape and different inhabitants. The No Man’s Sky website noted that players could seamlessly fly from one planet to another. Also, every star in the sky has a Sun that you can visit.
An interesting fact about the game is that it doesn’t have a storyline, meaning it is designed to be entertaining enough for the player to choose what they want to do. This means that everyone’s experience of the game will be very different. For example, one can decide to be a trader that transports goods between planets and space stations while another can be a fighter who attacks a merchant’s ship. The first player to discover a planet or creatures will be in a position of naming it, though Hello Games, has designed filters to prevent people from naming the planets inappropriately.
It is official that the game will launch on PC alongside, PS4 release on August 9 for North America. It will become available in Europe the following day and in the UK on August 12. Sean Murray hinted a possibility of the game for VR. As usually for most computer games, you can pre-order before the release date.
You can watch what the game is all about on IGN’s coverage youtube video.
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