
Apple envía el evento del 21 de marzo, se espera que anuncie el iPhone 5SE y el iPad Air 3

Apple is no stranger to the spotlight; practically everything the company makes is popular and backed by strong demand. We’ve been keeping our eyes and ears to the ground to see what surfaces, and we’re pleased to announce that Apple is prepping for a March 21st announcement where the California company will unveil new products.

Apple sent out invitations to the media for its upcoming event, with the words “Let us loop you in,” which has many media members confused. What is the “loop” all about? they say, with little in the way of answers. The “loop” could refer to the meeting place in California (the street is named “Loop”) where the event will be held.

While the “Loop” has many confused, what is not confusing is the company’s predicted announcement of the iPhone 5SE and the iPad Air Pro (a smaller iPad Pro) at the March 21st event. The iPhone 5SE, as we’ve called it, may simply be called the iPhone SE, with a special emphasis on the newness of the 4-inch iPhone. Yes, Apple has had one before (the iPhone 5), but this 4-inch iPhone will bring a new processor (an A9, as we’ve heard), Touch ID, a 12MP back camera to match that of the iPhone 6s, and more.

While the “Loop” could refer to the name of the announcement location (Infinite Loop), it could also refer to the next Mac OS update. Currently, Mac OS X runs on El Capitan, but the next could follow in the same path as previous OS X updates: Mavericks, Yosemite, and El Capitan (these are all places within California). Apple has been on a scheme as of the last few years to name Mac OS X updates after California landmarks or places, so the company could very well be at it again with a reference to the new name. Apple could name it Cupertino (the exact city in which its headquarters is based), though some assume that it refers to the lanyard on iPod Touch models past and gone. Yes, it could be a reference to a seventh-generation iPod Touch, which would be a refresh of the sixth-generation iPod Touch from last year.

The iPod Touch rumor makes sense, and seems to be the most credible hint for now — seeing that the Mac OS X update names aren’t usually unveiled until Apple’s annual WorldWide Developer Conference (WWDC) the first week of June. As for the iPad Air Pro, there are many who seem to think that Apple will bring a smaller version of the iPad Pro (now at 13 inches) to market for those who crave the size of the iPad Air (9.7 inches) but want something with more capabilities (which includes Apple Pencil compatibility).

We’ll have to wait until March 21st to see what the hype is all about, but, as usual, we know without a doubt that Apple will unveil new products.


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