Apple Watch hit by battery life issue

According to a latest report published on a site, Apple is facing battery life challenges in its Apple Watch. According to the report, the battery on Apple Watch is not meeting Apple’s requirement of a full day backup. This means that there could be further delay in the development and production of Apple Watch.
Apple has already opted for a high end processor and a high quality screen for its Apple Watch but this combination is not suitable enough to provide full day battery backup on a single charge. Apple initial goal was to use such a configuration for Apple Watch in which it could run 2.5 to 5 hours on active usage, three days on standby mode and four days on sleep mode. But according to the latest report, Apple is currently getting two to three days in a single battery charge in both standby and low power mode.
Smartwatches are such devices which are supposed to be used throughout the day. So the owners of smartwatches expect their devices to give them enough battery backup to last for a day while they enjoy full features and apps on the device. But it should also be noted that the watch will not be active all the time. Since it will be pairing up with an iPhone, it will only turn on the screen if there’s a notification on the iPhone.
Apple has always tried to provide the perfect gadget to its customers. This battery life issue has caused Apple to delay the launch of Apple Watch from 2014 to 2015. It is said that Apple is testing more than 3,000 Apple Watch units in real time conditions for perfect testing of battery backup.