
Galaxy Note Edge confirmed for Android 6.0 Marshmallow update

We said in an earlier post that the Galaxy Note Edge had been mentioned as being update-eligible for Android 6.0 Marshmallow, but we also said to remain cautious and stay tuned. Now, however, we have at least one Android 6.0 Marshmallow confirmation for the Galaxy Note Edge, signifying that Samsung will support the device for at least one more year.

T-Mobile has published an early list of devices that will receive Android Marshmallow, with the usual Google Nexus, HTC, and Samsung devices mentioned. Many of the devices are late 2014 and early 2015 devices, which makes their update eligibility not much of a surprise. The Galaxy Note Edge, however, is one of a kind — since Samsung took the “edge” and moved it to the company’s popular Galaxy S series instead of crafting a Galaxy Note Edge 2.

While T-Mobile is confirming the Galaxy Note Edge to receive Android 6.0 Marshmallow, it remains crucial to stay tuned and continue to watch for confirmations. A number of smartphones are confirmed for updates early on, only to be later abandoned for one reason or another. It has happened with Samsung devices before, not to mention HTC and other Android manufacturers. While Galaxy Note Edge owners are enthusiastic about seeing their device supported beyond 2014, this may be a sign that Samsung doesn’t intend to manufacture another Galaxy Note Edge device.


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