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GE Profile Built-In Double Convection Wall Oven Review

It’s all about the accessories.  When we’re talking ovens, “accessories” translates into the bells and whistles, the LED lights and the little features that give it that something extra that makes us think we’re getting an awful lot of goodies for our money.  The GE Profile Built-In Double Convection Wall Oven is at the head of the pack when it comes to an accessories-to-dollar- amount ratio.  It is a lean, mean cooking machine that may prove too much for the casual baker, but the serious chef will believe every penny spent was well worth it.

High-end Features

Upon first encountering the GE Profile Built-In Electric Double Oven, and after getting past the $3,699 price tag, the first thing that stands out is the LED status bar.  This is a stripe of red LEDs that lets you keep track of the time left on the dish you’re cooking.  A nice upgrade to the traditional timer.  As if that wasn’t enough, yes! There’s an app for that.  The GE Profile comes with remote control and pre-heat capability through linking with GE’s Brillion app.  Not only can you preheat your oven via your Android or iOS device, you can change the oven temperature and get an alert when your dish is done.

All of this fancy gadgetry would be useless if there wasn’t a quality oven behind all the glitz.  Rest assured, with the GE Profile Built-in, there is plenty of cooking muscle to back up that hefty price tag.  In addition to the high tech finery, the upper and lower ovens have multiple cooking modes and Lock Controls for the display panel.

On the downside, there is a bit of an issue with the control panel.  Frankly, it could be better.  Aesthetically, it is fine.  But it lacks a certain cohesiveness that gives the impression the various buttons don’t get along so well and tried to scatter themselves away from each other.  This disconnect between the upper and lower buttons makes for awkward interaction with the display.

El veredicto

At the end of the day, anyone who cooks with this oven or, better yet, tastes food that comes from this oven, will have to admit that it is a solid piece of craftsmanship.  The special features, such as the interconnectivity to the remote GE Brillion app and the LED status bar, make it an oven that stands out at the high-end of the market.

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