Consejos técnicos

How Do You Type a Double S Vertical Symbol? (Section Symbol)

Double S vertical symbol is not a common symbol in everyday work, school or personal activities. Though this is the case, this symbol is often used in legal documents which makes it a very important symbol. In fact, this symbol is used as a shortcut reference point wherein you would be directed to a foot note.

If you need to use the double S vertical symbol and do not know how to, do not worry as through this article, you will learn how to find this symbol on your computer.

How Do You Type a Double S Vertical Symbol

Double S vertical symbol could be accessed through a keyboard shortcut, copy paste method or inserting menu in applications.

Using a Keyboard Shortcut

One way to access double S vertical symbol is through the usage of keyboard shortcut. You will need to use your number keypad and you will have to ensure that the num lock is turned on. Press and hold Alt key and type 21 or 0167. This method would only work for those that have a keypad.

If you are using a laptop, on the other hand, you would have to use the function key as most laptops do not have keypad. To type double S vertical symbol, you would need to press Fn and Alt keys at the same time and then type 21 or 0167 while pressing the Fn and Alt keys.

Using Copy and Paste

This is the easiest method which you could do in typing double S vertical symbol. Search on Google double S vertical symbol and once you find the symbol, highlight the symbol and right click. Copy the symbol and paste it on the document that you would need the symbol on.

If you are offline, you could check your section symbol and get it from your Windows office application. To get the symbol all you have to do is to click on your start menu. Type character map and select the icon or symbol that you need. You would be able to find it on the sixth row and second column. Right click and then copy and paste the symbol.

Use the Insert Menu in Office

  • Find and select the insert menu
  • Select symbol
  • Select more symbols
  • Select special characters
  • You would find the characters map and select the vertical double s symbol

Section Symbol on Mac

If you are using Mac and you would need to use § symbol, you would need to press and hold the option key and 6 simultaneously.


We hope that through this article, you were able to find useful information on how to type double S vertical symbol §.

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