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How to Fix: Backspace Not Working

Computers and laptops are very essential tools which help us in our daily living. It is often used in personal, leisure and even in work. Hence, it is an understatement to say how frustrating you could be whenever you experience some problems or issues with your laptop or PC computer. One of the annoying and worst experiences you could encounter is when laptop’s backspace not working. Do not worry as we understand you perfectly which is why through this article, we shall provide you a guide on how to fix this issue/problem.

How to Fix Backspace Key on Laptop/PC with Windows 10/11

There are several ways and methods on how to fix your backspace not working. There are basic and advanced measures on how to do this. Here are some ways worth trying.

Disable Sticky or Filter Keys

The first thing you must do is to check if the issue you are experiencing is only with your backspace key. You could do this by disabling the filter or sticky keys. Bu turning off the filter keys, you will be able to discard the risk of all possible interruptions.

When you filter keys, you will be able to type easier compared to normal setting. This could also be true when it comes to sticky key. With this in mind, it is important and wise to switch off these keys.

  • Click Start
  • Type ease on the search text box
  • Click ease of access keyboard settings
  • Turn off the use sticky keys and use filter keys

Check the Backspace Functionality on Another Laptop or PC

Another method you could do is by checking your backspace functionality. You could do this by plugging in another functional keyboard to your laptop or PC. Check if that functional keyboard’s backspace key is working. If it is working, then, this only shows that your existing keyboard has the problem and not your operating system. This means, that your keyboard is damaged. You could also try your keyboard on another laptop or PC and if the problem still persists, then, it could mean that you will have to replace your keyboard.

Check the Keyboard Hardware

Nowadays, on-screen keyboard or virtual keyboard are available on Windows operating system. This is perfect alternative in case your keyboard suddenly stopped. It works like a physical keyboard which could definitely be used in finding out why your backspace is not working on your Windows 10 device.

  • Open your virtual keyboard
  • Go to Ease of Access Keyboard Settings
  • Select keyboard
  • Once you see the On-screen keyboard option, press the backspace with the use of your mouse.
  • If it works, then, the problem is with your physical keyboard.
  • If your virtual keyboard’s backspace is not working as well, update your keyboard driver

Reinstall the Keyboard Driver

  • Press the Windows logo + R on your keyboard. This will make the run dialog box appear.
  • Enter devmgmt.msc on the text box
  • Expand the keyboard
  • Right click your keyboard driver or software
  • Select uninstall device
  • Reboot your device to reinstall the keyboad

Troubleshoot your Keyboard

  • Click search icon on the taskbar
  • Enter settings
  • Select update and security option
  • Select troubleshoot on the left bar menu
  • Scroll until you find keyboard on the right panel
  • Select keyboard
  • Click run the troubleshooter
  • Allow for complete scan
  • Follow instructions
  • Reboot your computer

Scan for Virus and Other Malware

If your device has a malware, then, it could be that it is restricting your keyboard key like backspace to work. If this is the case, use tools like Windows Defender or Malwarebytes.

Update Windows 10/11

If your keyboard is physically good, your keyboard drivers are updated, there is no malware detected, then, it is time for you to update your Windows 10/11. To update your Windows, check Windows update in the settings and update.

Clean Keyboard Keys

One of the most basic, yet very important and reliable thing that you could do is cleaning your keyboard. You could check if the backspace key is damp or covered with dust. If it is clean it completely and check if it works.

Specific Cases of Not Working Backspace Key

Backspace Not Working in Chrome to Delete Text

Backspace is very useful key in Chrome. In fact, it is a popular shortcut. Unfortunately, there have been some reports that this shortcut no longer works as soon as you have updated. Do not worry it is not due to malware or issue with your Chrome. The reason behind this is due to Google has removed the shortcut. This has been done to address the complaints of several users losing data unintentionally due to the pressing of backspace.

There is a solution for this case. All you have to do is to install Shortcut chrome extension. Override your default browser’s settings. You could also get used to the new keys such as Alt+left arrow and Alt+right arrow.

Backspace Key is Not Working in Word

  • Go to the navigation menu
  • Select File
  • Select Options
  • Select Advanced
  • Select Editing options
  • Check typing replaces selected text field
  • Save settings

Backspace Key is Not Working in Excel

You will have to try the methods provided above in this article. It could be that the issue is a software issue. You could also check for updates. You could also try to quit and reset your Excel.

Backspace Key is Not Working on Discord

When you experience this issue on your Discord, this means, that you are experiencing and encountering Discord glitch. This could be fixed by following the steps below:

  • Ir a la configuración
  • Select Text and Images
  • Markdown the syntax as you type ” feature.

Backspace Key is Not Working in Outlook

When your backspace key is not working on your Outlook, then, this could mean that there is a bug on your Microsoft Edge browser. Try to use a different browser.

Is There Any Shortcut for the Backspace Key on the Laptop/PC?

No, unfortunately, there is no alternative key that has the same function as the backspace. Though this is the case, you could just select the text with the use of your mouse or touchpad and tap delete button.

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