Juego de azar

Cómo jugar a Gomoku en iMessage

Gomoku is an abstract strategy board game which is popular in the east. It is a perfect game which is enjoyed by many. Though the mention of board game could indicate that you would have to be careful as you will have to play it with your friends face to face, do not worry as this game, Gomoku, could be played with your friends over iMessage.

Being able to play over iMessage is very convenient and more comfortable compared to other traditional online games. For one, you will no longer need to wait for the other person to come online. All you have to do is to start the game and you are good to go. The other person could join whenever they want. Another great advantage of playing through iMessage is that you do not have to play the game from start to finish in one go. You could just play your turn whenever you want or whenever you are free. This same goes with the other player. Every time it is your turn, you will receive an iMessage. Just open the message and check if the other player has played.

How to Get Gomoku in iMessage

For you to be able to play Gomoku on iMessage, you will have to first install the game on messages app. Keep in mind, however, that this game is unfortunately only available and could be played on iMessage only. Yes, this game is not a standalone app unlike your other traditional games.

Once you have installed Gomoku on your messages app, go to messages app on your phone and open iMessage conversation thread. Open existing chat or if you wish you could start a new one. Select app drawer found on the left part of the messaging textbox. Then, tap the app store icon. This will open the App Store. Tap the search icon. Type on the search icon GamePigeon. Keep in mind that if you search for Gomoku, you will not be able to find it. Hence, search for GamePigeon instead. GamePigeon offers a collection of games including Gomoku. Once you find GamePigeon, tap on the get button and you are good to go.

How to Play Gomoku

Once you have the game installed on your phone, you could now play it.

  • After installing the app, close the App store
  • Navigate to the App Drawer
  • Swipe left to look for the icons
  • Tap the icon for GamePigeon
  • A list of available games will appear
  • Tap the thumbnail for Gomoku
  • The game will load on your message texbox
  • Tap Send button for you to be able to send game invites
  • Your friend will get to play the first turn if they accept your game invite

Game Rules

This game comes with a 12×12 board which has black and white stones. The first player would get the black stones and the other game would get the white stones. Players would place stones alternately. You will have to get 5 of your stones placed consecutively on the board and at the same time prevent your opponent from placing their stones consecutively on the board.

You will have to place your stone on the intersection and tap send button. You will also be able to position your stone before you send the move to your opponent. Once you are sure with the position of your stone, press the send button. However, keep in mind that once you have sent the position of your stone to your opponent, you will no longer be able to change it.

The first player to get five consecutive stones on the board horizontally or vertically or diagonally would win the game.

Our tip in playing this game is the first player usually gets a better advantage and the odds of winning is much higher than the second player. Hence, it would be better if you ask your friend to send you a game invite so you would be the first player who would be able to place the first stone on board.


Gomoku is a mind-stimulating type of game which is perfect pastime and bonding time with your friend. It provides the right engagement to both of you and your friend. Try out this game and let us know how it went.

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