Anunciado el precio de los módulos Friends del LG G5

The LG G5 has been available in the US since April 1st (interesting that it would be released on April Fools’ Day), but the device’s best capabilities have been sidelined for G5 customers. For one, it takes some small work and inconvenience to pry the battery out of the device (see our tutorial on how to do this), and the modules that make the LG G5 a modular smartphone had yet to be released for the American market (with little pricing, except with the Cam Plus and the 360 VR headset). Well, now, we have the official prices for the LG G5 Friends modules for American customers.
According to the source, the LG G5 Cam Plus will cost $69.99, the device being a small battery pack/manual camera controls to help professional photographers enjoy more of the mobile camera experience. It’s no secret that professional photographers tend to drag around DSLRs to capture better photos than what the average smartphone customer needs or wants (so here’s a little something for them). The 360 VR headset will cost $199.99, which isn’t a surprise since we’d already received this report prior to now. The 360 VR costs as much as the 360-degree camera for the handset ($199.99). Finally, LG is offering its Tone Platinum headphones for $199.99.
With three of these 4 LG G5 Friends costing $199.99, these prices shouldn’t be too difficult to remember. And yet, keep in mind that these prices are in addition to the LG G5, which costs $624 at Verizon and slightly higher at other carriers like T-Mobile. With that said, if you purchase all 4 devices, expect to pay $700 for the Friends modules and nearly $700 for the handset (a total of $1400 for the handset and modules). In the end, we’re not sure life is better with friends if you have to pay more. You can still grab the combo deal if you’re interested.
Check out a reputable LG G5 review aquí. If you want to see our own, we’ll make it available here at Aptgadget soon.