Nook and Samsung announces Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 Nook

Nook and Samsung has teamed up to announce a new Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 Nook which is an Android based tablet for reading. The new tablet is said to be an effort to push the Nook platform to a whole new level and make it a more, fully featured device instead of just a simple reader for eBooks and stuff.
Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 Nook is a 7 inch tablet, made by Samsung, which includes a special “Barnes & Noble Advantage” in the form of an app which is tightly integrated with the Android. The app supports both book downloads and tech support for the device. The app is said to be also made in collaboration with Samsung as it provides tech support for the Galaxy Tab 4 Nook and Samsung is the manufacturer.
According to Barnes & Noble CEO Micheal Huseby, “It’s the first ever full-featured Android tablet designed for reading”.
The new Nook reader aka Galaxy Tab 4 will be available from any Barnes & Noble store. The booksellers will be responsible for in store sales and support of their books including the app setup and categorizing books for better browsing and searching. The app will also allow users to take a sneak peak at the titles of the books before buying them from the online store inside the reader.
Integrating Nook’s software with Android OS is not an easy task but it’s amazing how Samsung and Nook pulled it off and all of the Nook’s amazing features are present on the device.
This is a great device, considering it’s both a fully functioning Android device and a reader. If users get bored while reading books or with the Barnes & Noble store and its offers, they can always have the Google Play Store at their disposal. Galaxy Tab 4 Nook is available for just $179 and it comes with a ton of free stuff including books, TV Shows and magazines.