
Software para máquinas inteligentes

Picture this. Two robots working in a car factory. One of them just found out that has been a change. Let’s say it’s a change in the way engines are put together. He understood it. One robot told the other robot about the change. He understood it as well. Both of them adjusted immediately.

Science fiction? Not necessarily. These things are happening right now. If you are curious how, just read on below. We will explain how modern software will pave the way for the future.

Smart machines and their software

Every modern device has some kind of functions. Smart Machine, the ANT Software based on advanced function component:

●    Machine Connectivity create a deep integration between machines and software.

●    Traceability allows for real-time tracking processes.

●    Operator Guidance, which helps operators to operate according to technology plan step by step.

Their products are being used in high-tech manufacturing. And this is only the beginning

How Smart Machines helps control the production in real time

One of the major function of ANT is traceability, which helps to monitor processes step by step. The software allows for real-time tracking and checking what stage the production is. It also allows you to check if proceeding according to the technology and plan or verify the quality of the product. The system supports the operator by sending simple messages directly to the machine screen.

How connected tech will work in the future

Deep learning software is not the only technology that changes the world. Another one would be deep machine learning. What makes it so special? Software like that can learn from the data that was presented. Almost like a student who does his homework.

Combining deep learning with machine learning is the Holy Grail of the software industry. It’s what every futurist and science fiction fan was dreaming of, and here’s how it works. One machine gathers data, analyzes it, and comes to its conclusion. It can be anything: from minor process improvement to some major changes. Then, it can share its idea with another machine. That machine has its own data – that collected through its own “experiences”. With both data sets, that machine can now begin its own analysis. 

This cycle can go on and on. Ideas will be travelling between mach. And just like with learning, the more you do it, the better you get at it.

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