
L'économiseur de données d'Android Nougat plus intelligent que Doze

The Battery Saver Mode of Android Marshmallow has been improved from what it was in Lollipop, but it still has its flaws. If you don’t believe me, just take a look at the Nexus 6P and 5X’s battery performance in testing (the battery life of both is atrocious, even though Google controls the entire experience). With that said, Google has been working hard to craft Doze Mode in Marshmallow to conserve battery when your phone is idle (by disabling app notifications and so on), but the search engine giant plans to take things even further with the Android Nougat Data Saver that’s said to arrive with Android 7.0.

The Android Nougat Data Saver can be thought of as something akin to Samsung’s own Ultra Data Saving Mode in its own Tizen-powered Samsung Z3 and other Tizen-powered smartphones (including the upcoming Samsung Z2). It is a feature that disables background data from running and eating up your cellular data when you’re on a bad network or have a limited data plan. It reduces the amount of 4G or 3G data used when your data plan is small or low for the month. It operates in the background, as opposed to cutting everything off, and works to make your web browsing or cellular usage better, not kill it off completely in order to save battery. It’s a smarter feature than just killing apps and shutting down everything, allowing you to do the things you do without worrying about going over your “warning” amount.

Sure, unlimited data is a dream for many of us, but there are many smartphones users (especially in third-world countries) that can’t afford high-tier data plans or are simply living on a budget due to financial responsibilities elsewhere and just don’t have the money. Though few may believe it, many Americans find themselves in the same boat: trying to live on their tiered data plans as best they can without hating the fact that they don’t have unlimited data plans to choose from anymore.

The Android Nougat Data Saver is not a battery-saving mode in particular, but by reducing the amount of data your phone guzzles, it will, in effect, conserve your battery much longer (thereby making the feature smarter than even Google’s own battery-saving Doze Mode that first arrived in Android Marshmallow). For those on less than optimal networks, the Android Nougat Data Saver will be a lifesaver. Google has brought a data saver feature to Chrome, but the search engine giant is now baking this same feature into its OS where everything will be positively impacted by it — not just the Chrome web browser. Even diehard Samsung fans of the Galaxy Note 7 will benefit.


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