
Les meilleures applications pour travailler avec des PDF - Windows

When you need to open a PDF file, usually your choice is limited to two options: use the standard application for the Windows 8 or 10 operating system (usually installed by default with the operating system, or available for download in the Windows Store), or use the good old Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Both options are great, but there are many other free programs for reading PDF documents that can do even more. If you want to merge documents, convert them to different formats or extract images, in our review, we will talk about other PDF readers that will do it quickly and easily.

The Best PDF-Readers for Windows

After installation, each of the applications will offer to use the program to read the PDF format by default. We recommend not changing your settings until you try new software and make sure that it suits you.

Adobe Reader

Adobe Reader is a software, which is considered one of the most powerful for work related to the opening and editing of pdf formats. Through this program, the user will be able to carry out operations related to copying, viewing, printing, and transforming the orientation of any pdf file. Key features of Adobe Reader include:

  •       The ability to play various sound and video files;
  •       The possibility of opening electronic books;
  •       The function of increasing the necessary elements of the text;
  •       Availability of viewing 3D document content;
  •       Availability of tools that facilitate the work of people with poor eyesight;
  •       Availability of printing documents using wireless networks;
  •       Clear interface;
  •       Allows you to organize various online conferences;
  •       Availability of the Start Meeting function (simultaneous multi-user work);

This program has a solid reputation among many users, and if you want to install – all you need to do is go to the official web page and download. In case you have no Internet connection, you can get adobe reader offline installer and enjoy this program completely.

Icecream Ebook Reader

The Icecream Ebook Reader is great not only for formats that support e-readers but also for reading PDF. As the name suggests, the Icecream Ebook Reader was originally designed for viewing EPUB and MOBI documents, but this application is great for viewing PDF files.

Since the program is used as an e-book reader, you have the opportunity to organize your books as a library and sort them by type with the ability to search, but no one forbids you to use the application for regular viewing of files in PDF format.

The program has an unusual, but still quite a pleasant interface to use. Navigation of PDF files is striking in its simplicity. It is possible to select viewing modes, including the night mode that is harmless to the eyes. You can quickly add bookmarks and create notes that are available in the Content drop-down panel.

Movavi PDF Editor

Movavi PDF Editor at this stage of development is a lightweight utility for reading text PDF files with the possibility of gluing, splitting, editing them: changing the position and tilt of objects, inserting images, turning a sheet. Also declared the function of creating documents in pdf format from images and text, and a virtual printer will allow you to convert files, for example, for mobile devices, while maintaining high quality, but compressing the size. The features of Movavi PDF Editor include:

·       Intuitive interface;

·       Support for a large number of graphic formats;

·       The function of creating new files and converting downloaded ones;

·       Ability to work with pdf-documents at the level of sheets and objects;

·       Convenient cataloging for your documents, quick access to the latest open.

The application copes with a viewing, gluing, processing documents, adding and editing text, shapes. It can be used as a more advanced alternative to standard PDF viewers from Microsoft Office, Windows 7 & 10.

Nitro PDF Reader

Excellent program for working with the PDF format, which supports change tracking and sticky notes. Just like in the situation with the Foxit Reader application, the Nitro PDF Reader interface resembles the Microsoft Office software interface – but this is not bad at all.

Initially, the program looks like an advanced software that allows you to perform many functions when viewing documents.

But this free reader offers not only the viewing of documents. In addition to adding text, notes, and comments, the Nitro PDF Reader allows you to add sticky notes to your documents. Nitro PDF Reader Editor allows you to convert documents to PDF and vice versa.

You can also extract all the images from a PDF file with one click of the mouse, as well as sign an electronic document with your electronic signature. Without a doubt, Nitro PDF Reader is one of the best free programs for working with PDF files.

SlimPDF Reader

The simplest free PDF reader that does not take up much space on your disk. SlimPDF Reader is perhaps the easiest program, which takes only 1.43 MB of free space, the main merit of which is considered simplicity.

SlimPDF Reader is nothing more than just a program for viewing documents, but this can not be called a disadvantage.

Control buttons and navigation are easy to use and do not require additional clarification. One of the main advantages of the program is lightning speed.

Search, Print, and Spin are one of the few features of SlimPDF Reader, but you are also offered a free trial version of the converter from PDF to Office formats.

If you need a free program for reading PDF without any frills, SlimPDF Reader is a perfect choice. The only drawback of the program is the inability to view a two-page spread on the screen.

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