Le Galaxy S4 19500 sera mis à jour avec Android 5.0 au début de l'année prochaine

Galaxy S4 might be an old smartphone but Samsung does not think that way. The smartphone is still in its 18 month window that Samsung promises with all their flagship devices to update them with the latest version of OS. Yes, this mean that Samsung Galaxy S4 19500 the Exynos version is going to get the latest version of Android.
Only one source reported this news who also has a good track record when it comes to predictions. According to a source, only the Samsung Galaxy S4 19500 will be getting the latest Android 5.0 update though there was no news on whether the Samsung Galaxy S4 19505 version will also be getting the update too. The smartphone is going to be updated to Android 5.0 in the early 2015. Android 5.0 on the Galaxy S4 is probably going to look like the version that was demoed on the Galaxy S5. The new update and the new TouchWiz interface is probably what every Samsung Galaxy S4 owner would want and after hearing this news we are pretty sure you Galaxy S4 19500 owners out there are going to be pretty excited about it.
As for the Samsung Galaxy S4 19505 the Qualcomm Snapdragon 600 edition the smartphone might also get the update but after the Exynos version as Samsung has always updated their Exynos version smartphones first.
Samsung is not the only one as HTC has also announced that they are also going to update HTC ONE the M7 version with the latest Android update that came out with Samsung Galaxy S4, though HTC might update theirs earlier than Samsung.
If you are still using a Samsung Galaxy S4, then let us known about your thoughts on this great news?