
Google showcased Spiral 2 board which will be used in Project Ara

Google is going to hold a Module Developers Conference next month where the company is going to show its future plans and the final version of the board that is going to be used in Project Ara. Team working behind Project Ara has posted the picture of the board to be used in Project Ara which is known as Spiral 2 board.

Google’s Project Ara team said that “We’re getting excited and hope you are too. We are so that we wanted to give you a sneak peek at one of the new Spiral 2 PCBs hot off the SMT.”Google is also looking for OEMs to join them and help make different kind of modules for Project Ara as the smartphone consists of modules which can be replaced to upgrade a specific part of the smartphone.

We did see a prototype of Google Project Ara this year but somehow the device was stuck on boot up though with this new board we are going to have a look at what Google has really achieved and how close they are in achieving the modular smartphone that has caught the attention of everyone. Google’s Module Developers Conference will be held on 14th of January in Mountain View, CA hometown.

As of now Google is the only company that is going to launch a modular smartphone but two more companies have also joined in and are competing against Google, maybe that’s why we just saw an update from Google as till now the company was working very slow on this project of theirs.

Over the year people have started to lose interest in a modular smartphone, plus we are not sure if people would go for it as the initial models are going to be not as slim as smartphones are nowadays. What are your thoughts about it?



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