
Michael Jackson “Thriller” Album now free at Google Play

Michael Jackson is a legend, a true music icon for all the timeless songs he gave us. Although he is gone, the latest Google Play freebie giveaway will help you rekindle the magic and memory of his videos, songs, and performances. What is the new giveaway? The Michael Jackson “Thriller” album, courtesy of Google at Google Play.

Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” Album comes with the song (you guessed it!) “Thriller,” in addition to others such as “Billie Jean,” “Beat It,” “Wanna Be Startin’ Somethin,’” and others.

Michael Jackson was a legend back in the day, with songs with his family (he was part of the Jackson Five) and videos such as “Do You Remember?” appearing on TV on Sunday nights back when I was younger. He died due to a drug overdose, and his personal physician is now serving jail time for his role in Michael Jackson’s demise. Michael Jackson was scheduled to appear in an on-the-road performance when he was found dead.

Whatever you think of Thriller, the music is superb and it definitely made Michael Jackson stand out from the crowd in terms of horror music. Head on over to Google Play and download one of Michael Jackson’s most iconic albums ever. He is gone, but his music will forever live on in the hearts, minds, and radio speakers of all of those who know him. The album is free at Google Play.


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