
Microsoft Surface Hub pricing revealed – starting from $7,000

Microsoft has finally announced the pricing of the upcoming Microsoft Surface Hub platform and it isn’t cheap. According to the company, the price starts from $7,000 and goes all the way up to $20,000. That is the price which companies have to pay to get their hands on Surface Hub.

For users who aren’t familiar with Microsoft Surface Hub – it is a touchscreen computer system that comes in either a 55 inch display model worth $7,000 or an 84 inch display model with increase specifications for $20,000. Microsoft aims to provide easier multitasking for companies who want to work on multiple apps at the same time and at a bigger screen.

The Surface Hub runs Windows 10 and can hold a video conference call along with other running apps that can transfer on-screen information to everyone’s device connected to it. Microsoft said that Surface Hub is designed to be mounted on walls, ideally in conference rooms or at any other workplace and the operations can be done via hands or the special stylus pen. Surface Hub can also be operated using voice commands.

There are other such technologies available in the market but Microsoft Surface Hub is a very promising replacement for any of them. It not only provides bigger display screen and multitasking options, but it also has motion-sensors and microphones which can automatically set themselves based on the position of the user in the room to collect better audio and video.

Microsoft Surface Hub can be used with any device regardless of its platform. These devices can connect to Surface Hub to share files and can mirror anything shown on the Hub’s screen to device’s screen. And since it runs Windows 10 platform, it can run any app that is published in the Microsoft’s enterprise app store. However, developers have to optimize their apps to take advantage of Surface Hub’s bigger display.

The device will start shipping in 24 markets from July 1 and will be available in other global markets in the near future.

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