
MiniTool ShadowMaker – Software to Keep Your Data Safe

Any data loss from your computer or laptop, whether it is personal or for work is very troublesome and frustrating. This is also true in terms of trying to recover it. Moreover, it is also expensive to do. With that said, it has become a habit for most to back up files. Once you have backed up your files, recovering it easier. In this article, we will feature a tool that could back-up files efficiently and effectively – MiniTool ShadowMaker.

MiniTool ShadowMaker

MiniTool ShadowMaker is a backup tool that offers data protection and disaster recovery solutions to Servers, PCs and Workstations. It also comes with useful and amazing features which allows you to back up files, disks, folders, partitions and operating system. This tool is compatible with almost every operating system such as Windows Server 2003, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2019, Workstations and Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and 10.

Main Features of MiniTool ShadowMaker

Restore- this feature allows you to recover all your partitions, folders, files, disk, and operating system to its normal state. Hence, if your computer crashes, you could restore your files to normal state.

Backup – backup allows you to backup your folders, files, partitions and operating system. Through this feature, the tool will automatically choose its OS and backup its source.

Sync- This feature will sync all your files and folders to one or more locations which will keep all your data safe and could help you transfer files in a fast speed even if your file is huge,

Media Builder- through this feature, you will be able to create bootable media which could definitely help you to boot whenever your computer cannot boot normally.

Add Boot Menu- To be able to boot easily, you could add a Boot Menu. Through it, you could enter MiniTool Recovery Environment which could start your Windows PE.

Universal Restore- This feature lets you restore your system to its original hardware. It lets you install and update drivers and solve incompatibility problem.

Clone Disk- This feature could help you clone your OS from HDD to SSD without even damaging your original data.

How to Back up Operating System?

  1. Install and download– To back up your operating system, the first step to do is to install the free software, MiniTool ShadowMaker. To avail its free version, click keep trial.
  2. Connect to This computer and click continue.
  3. Select Backup Source and Destination- Take note that MiniTool ShadowMaker automatically chooses its backup source and destination. Hence, you will need to change your backup source if you wish to do so. To do this step, all you have to do is to click on the Source module and Destination module.
  4. Start to Backup – Once you have confirmed your backup source and destination, the next step is to click backup now. This step will immediately perform a system backup.

After following all the steps mentioned above, you could be assured that MiniTool ShadowMaker had already created a system image. Hence, even if your computer crashes, you could now restore your computer to its normal state. If you wish to check and try MiniTool ShadowMaker, you could check its official website.

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