Maison intelligente

Nest Learning Thermostat Review

The founders of Nest Labs reinvented products used in the home that haven’t been given much thought by homeowners over the years. With the use of advanced technologies, thoughtful design element and high-quality manufacturing processes, they have created products to make home automation better while reducing energy consumption. One of which is the lowly thermostat that has been responsible to maintaining the right level of temperature in the home. In their bid to offer smart products that are also energy-efficient, they came up with the Nest Learning Thermostat (First Generation). Let’s take a closer look at this innovative product.


  • Self-programmable
  • Energy saver
  • WiFi connectivity
  • User-friendly
  • Easy installation options
  • Sleek design


  1. This powerful smart device can program itself depending on the temperatures you set. Once it learns about your weekly schedule, it automatically adjusts temperature settings, turning it up or down while you’re away.
  2. It also tracks the set temperatures and guides you such as displaying the Nest leaf signifying that you have correctly set it to an energy-efficient mode.
  3. You can connect it to your home’s  WiFi so you can change its settings via your tablet, laptop pr smartphone.
  4. With its outer ring, you can easily adjust indoor temperature.
  5. Installation is easy and convenient. It’s as simple as installing a lighting feature, with complete installation kit included.
  6. Design is sleek with a brushed stainless steel dial that frames the display and the ring has a curved neutral-silver finish that can adjust to the colour of the wall.

Perhaps, other than always keeping your indoor temperature at the right level, this smart device is keeping your energy consumption at a minimum, lowering your monthly utility bills. It uses algorithms and sensors that let it determine when you’re away or in the house and make adjustments. With the data, it will build a model of temperatures that it will apply.

Les inconvénients

  1. This smart device costs over $200, which is slightly costly for an average or low income household.
  2. This minor setback is its Auto-away feature. If the sensors cannot detect that someone is inside the house, say, you have to work in your garden for hours, it can turn itself off while you’re away. Although by just pushing the ring, you can turn the device back to its normal heating schedule, it will take some time for heat to come back on. This can be resolved, however, if you turn off this feature if you need to just be out of the house for several hours.


Not all thermostats are intelligent as the Nest Learning Thermostat, given its ability not only to save on energy usage but also its capability to connect to the internet, making it easy for the user to manage its settings. It might be a little more expensive than the usual thermostats but is a good` buy for homeowners looking to save on air conditioning and heating costs.

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