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4 meilleures solutions pour vaincre les menaces émergentes en matière de sécurité du cloud

Cloud security is made up of policies, procedures, applications, and systems. All these components have a common purpose: providing cyber security. Since companies move their systems, networks, and applications to the cloud environment, cyber-criminals develop brand-new tactics. Due to their talent in adopting new systems, they can manage to hack any system that is protected by an ordinary cloud security solution. This fact forces companies to stay one step ahead of hackers. Moreover, assets, networks, applications, and data that are stored in the cloud are more vulnerable than physical ones. 

Implementing one or more modern cloud security solutions is the first-rate option to surpass cloud security threats. The decisive thing is which solution they implement to provide the whole cloud security. Because the number of solutions that fail in protecting the cloud environment from harmful activities is remarkably high.

The optimal cloud security solution must be planned, comprehensive, particularized, and conform to requirements. When deciding on which one to prefer, enterprises should consider their needs, construction, and attack surfaces. And afterward, they can single out the best option from the rest. 

Cloud security is crucial for companies’ integrity and this is why some company leaders hesitate to switch their systems to the cloud. They commonly have the idea that cloud-based systems are more insecure than on-premise systems. Although it is quite complicated and demanding to provide cloud security in comparison with on-premise systems, there are brand new solutions that promote cloud safety. When implemented appropriately, cloud security solutions can avoid many leakages and other damages. 

4 Top Cloud Security Solutions to Defeat Threats

  1. Identity and Access Management 

Identity and access management (IAM) is a framework that contains policies, procedures, and processes that regulate user identities and access authorities. This framework facilitates IT managers’ work because IT specialists can control identity and access periods. In today’s circumstances, cloud computing is unavoidable. Obsolete cyber security methods are insufficient for emerging threats so enterprises require new and effective solutions. 

Safety and productivity are the main pillars of a successful company. To increase business productivity and provide online safety, enterprises use IAM. IAM systems manage both access authorizations and identity verifications. Since we know that identities and access privileges are the prominent pitfalls of cloud security, companies should give weight to these two sides. 

To perform a duty appropriately, employees need to be careful. As cloud-based or hybrid systems increase their workload, IAM systems help them to continue their work safely. IAM can be implemented with IAM best practices to fill security gaps. 

Enterprises must decide on what is their ultimate goal. If they determine their structures, reasons, and requirements precisely; IAM will be accomplished. So we can freely say that the first step should be planning. What your team needs to perform their duties, what are their roles, and do they need any privileges are the main questions regarding your project. 

The HR team should assign specific roles and access authorizations to users. Employees should have adequate access authorization to resources, not more. If privileges are not regulated suitably, the attack surface will increase and it will be hard to handle potential threats. Role-based authorization systems work well. 

  1. Zero Trust Network Access

Zero Trust Network Access is also essential when assigning roles. You need to take a granular approach. Granularity means splitting networks into smaller pieces so they can be manageable. It is quite easy for IT managers to manage specific groups when compared to extensive ones. Here are the fundamental principles of ZTNA:

  • Trust none, verify all. It means that enterprises must be careful about every user whether they are inside or offsite of the network. Not all threats come from out of the network, on the contrary, inside users pose a great risk for enterprises. Basic inside user mistakes or negligences can end awfully. 
  • Less lateral movement. The Zero Trust approach also avoids lateral movement in the network. User movements should be restrained. This method prevents damage from spreading and diminishes the attack surface. Governing lateral movements is an amazing tool for IT specialists. They can observe and interfere with user activities before it is too late. 
  • Continuous verification. This is another important principle of ZTNA because legacy security systems are insufficient to provide total verification. ZTNA says that each user request should be assessed and analyzed in detail. This approach enables enterprises to control user authorities and monitor all steps they take. 
  1. Multi-Factor Authentication 

Identity authentication is a primary aspect of cloud security. To be sure about users’ identities and avoid unauthorized access to the resources, authentication systems should be trustworthy and comprehensive. 

Passwords are not adequate to provide whole security. When cybercriminals manage to crack the user passwords they can reach all confidential information, private data, and other precious company assets. It does not have to be a cybercriminal by the way. Any other employee in the network can encroach on company resources by using another employee’s account. 

Two-factor authentication or multi-factor authentication provides further security. It enhances your enterprise’s online safety by asking users for more than a username and a password. Passwords are vulnerable to attacks because stealing a weak password is child’s play for hackers. On the other hand, MFA requires extra information. Codes that are sent via email or phone, and biometrics such as fingerprint or face recognition systems are the common MFA types that are used. Even if a cybercriminal manages to steal a user password he can not pass through the security threshold.

  1. Virtual Private Network (VPN)

When it comes to online security, VPNs should be considered. Virtual Private Network creates a virtual tunnel that encrypts information and avoids data leakage. VPNs also conceal user IP addresses. Thanks to this feature, users can move anonymously and can not be tracked by malicious attackers. 

Imagine the data traffic between the network and the last user. Employees send and receive private information, vulnerable data, and other confidential company assets. These are incredible treasures for cyber criminals. This risk increases the user’s stress level and this situation affects their work performance. 


Cloud-based systems and cloud security are developing and changing day by day. When their transformation continues, cyber attackers also find out different and sophisticated methods to beat them. Although there are several ways to prevent cloud systems from being damaged, there are leading methods that promise total safety. IAM, ZTNA, MFA, and VPNs are the prominent ones. Identity and access parts are pivotal for cloud security. When managed appropriately, cyber threats can be prevented. So, enterprises should choose a security solution to provide cloud safety. 

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