

Energy crisis, shortage of skilled workers, supply problems – the new year starts with big challenges. But at the same time, with huge opportunities like trying crypto accepting casino. In some areas, innovative solutions are more in demand than ever before. In our overview, here you can see the most important tech trends in 2023 – and which business models you can use to get started.


Programming for everyone: Low- and no-code solutions enable almost anyone to develop their own software applications. For this purpose, the platforms offer ready-made kits with which a wide variety of solutions can be programmed quickly and easily. The principle: drag and drop instead of zeros and ones. Complex codes are hidden in the background – easy-to-understand building blocks appear on the surface. Creating an app for customers, adapting the design of the website or automating internal accounting – companies can thus enable even non-programmers to drive forward their digitization.

According to a recent study, German companies are short of more than 130,000 IT specialists – more than ever before. In 2023, this gap will continue to slow down the digital transformation. In addition, the economically uncertain environment continues to force many companies to look for innovative solutions. Low-code and no-code are therefore among the most important tech trends in 2023. The following example shows the approaches available to startups in this regard:

Softr offers a no-code platform that allows companies to build their own applications from a variety of functions and designs. These include websites or apps, for example, but also customer portals and project management tools. Since 2019, Softr has been able to raise around $16 million for its idea, which customers such as Universal Music are now also relying on.


From aesthetic images to creative texts to complex programming codes: Generative AI is capable of creating entirely new content from existing data – at the push of a button. Unlike previous AI models, the algorithms are not only trained to produce a specific result, but can also create new knowledge from learned patterns. And their potential here goes beyond mere gimmicks: in marketing, the technology can create individual advertising texts or logos. In customer service, optimized chatbots can avoid frustrating conversations. And in medicine, algorithms could even assemble new medicines. Generative AI is therefore among the most groundbreaking advances in the world of AI.

Just at the end of last year, US startup OpenAI attracted worldwide attention with its chatbot ChatGPT. In just a few days, the service attracted more than one million users. In 2023, it is expected that even more startups will enter the scene in a wide variety of fields, as more and more users also recognize the broad potential of Generative AI. German startups are already in the mix, too:

TextCortex AI offers a tool that allows users to create automated texts for sales and marketing. The service can be easily installed as a browser extension. The generated content should hardly differ from human speech. Just over one million euros in venture capital has flowed into the Berlin startup’s idea since 2021.


Predicting delivery times, identifying locations or automating processes – digital supply chains have the potential to revolutionize traditional logistics. And a wide variety of technologies are intertwined in the process: Digital twins help to optimally plan and adapt processes. Sensors determine where goods are at any given time and what condition they are in. AI-driven data analytics can in turn evaluate this information in real time.

In a nutshell: Companies can reduce their costs on the one hand, but also increase their efficiency on the other. The pandemic, global tensions and, most recently, the Ukraine war have increased the pressure on logistics in this regard.

It is therefore clear that digital supply chains are one of the tech trends of 2023 that founders should definitely keep an eye on. Because in addition to the existing problems, there are now also stricter rules: In Germany, the Supply Chain Act has been in force since the beginning of this year, obliging companies to provide more transparency along their logistics. 

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