
Compte TikTok supprimé sans raison ? Pourquoi? Ce qu'il faut faire?

TikTok is a platform where you could engage and express yourself. However, when all of your content and account suddenly disappears, it could be very frustrating. Questions such as, “why your account has been deleted and could you get your account back?” would definitely arise. Do not worry as through this article, we will learn the answers to these questions.

Deleted TikTok accounts could be recovered within 30 days. However, you must have your original email addressed and password that you used for your TikTok account. After 30 days, your TikTok account would be deleted. If your account has been deleted by mistake, you would need to contact customer service. However, if you have violated any conditions, unfortunately, your account might not be recovered.

How to Recover A Deleted TikTok Account?

If you have deleted your TikTok account accidentally, do not worry as you could still recover it. Open your TikTok app and login as you would usually do. If you get a message that your account has been deactivated, just tap or click on the button that says reactivate. Keep in mind that this is only possible within 30 days after your account has been deleted.

What If I Forgot My Password?

If you have forgotten your password, you will need to click on forgot your password link. Wait for the reset link on your email and reactivate your account. If you have lost access to your email address or phone number, you will have to contact TikTok support.

What if TikTok Deleted My Account?

If your TikTok account has been deleted, instead of having a reactivate option, you would find a banner message stating that you have been banned. Do not worry as there is a submit to appeal option.

For you to be able to appeal, you will have to tap the appeal button and follow its instructions. You will have to be patient as TikTok could take several days to review your appeal.

Do not worry as banning does not technically mean that your account has been deleted. Banning could be reversed. When your account has been banned, it could mean that you have violated some rules repeatedly.

Why Did TikTok Delete My Account?

TikTok Thinks You Are Too Young

Online platforms have to adhere to the law, Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act which forbids anyone who is 13 years of age and younger to use or access apps like TikTok. This is the reason why TikTok has to delete accounts which belongs to anyone who is 13 years old and below. In fact, TikTok has been fined for violating this rule which is why they have become more strict and eventually was able to delete about 7.5 million accounts.

If TikTok thinks you are 13 years old or below, TikTok will delete your account. If you are not 13 years old and below, you will have to contact TikTok support.

You Posted Sensitive Content

There are many categories which are considered as sensitive content. In fact, there is a type of content which could ban you on any online platform. You cannot post anything abusive, content with illegal behavior or illegal drugs.

Since TikTok is a family friendly platform, you are not allowed to post anything that includes adult content or anything with graphic violence. You cannot post anything that has hate speech or anything that promotes self-harm. It also bans controversial activities such as gambling.

Copyright Violations

Just like any online platform, TikTok does not allow the distribution of copyrighted content. This includes copyrighted music. It is not allowed to use any copyrighted music for background music as well.

Violation of Advertising Policy

If you are influencer, you must take note of TikTok’s advertising policy. Advertisements come with limitations especially when they have sensitive content. Though your account won’t be deleted right away, if you have violated many rules, then, your account would get violated eventually.

Your Account Got Mass-Reported

If many users have reported about your content, TikTok would act on these reports. This means, if you have violated a rule in the past, this could exacerbate your case and would lead for TikTok to delete your account.

How Do I Delete My Own TikTok Account?

If you are tired of deleting reposts on Tiktok and have decided to delete your TikTok account, just follow the steps below.

  • Open the app
  • Log into your TikTok account
  • Go to your profile
  • Tap your three dots found on the top right corner
  • Select Manage My Account
  • Tap Delete Account

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