
Turbo cleaner avis et téléchargement - La meilleure application pour booster Android

After a while, the Android phone may stop working as it should and you may stop being able to play games smoothly or enjoy other apps with optimal performance. In the worst cases, the phone may not work at all or the apps that you need to use may not start. In order to tackle the performance related issues, you would need to try special apps. One of the options that you can try is Turbo Cleaner app, an app trusted by million of Android users.


Turbo Clean can take care of the cleaning for the RAM and ROM on your phone. This small app is only 4.5 megabytes when you get the APK and it works very well on advanced and basic mobile phones as well. There is a shortcut to the home screen that lets you boost the performance of your Android tablet or smartphone, if it has slowed down or it is not responding. Turbo Cleaner for Android is able to shut down apps that are still running in the background and that are using up RAM. Prior to shutting down the apps, you will have the chance to add them to the ignore list. This list can be managed by opening the main screen of the app and tapping on the checkmark icon that appears on the top left corner.

Turbo Clean app displays the main issues that are having an impact on the performance of Android in the notification center. The Turbo Cleaner Android app will let you see the percentage of RAM used on your device on an interface that resembles a clock. You will also see the temperature of the processor at the moment and will be able to run the junk file cleaner utility. In case the temperature of the processor increases, you can tap on the round icon that is located above the temperature so you can access the tool that allows you to cool down the phone. The tool will shut down background apps to ensure that the processor is only managing the main processes and tasks.

The app is capable of recognizing the below files that are not needed and it give you the chance to remove them:

  • Obsolete APKs
  • Memory Cache
  • Cache files
  • Gallery thumbnails

When Turbo Cleaner identifies files that are not useful, it organizes them into the categories mentioned above. Turbo Cleaner app for Android features a smart password-protected app lock tool. The notification box feature puts together multiple notifications and the feature makes the notification center more straightforward.

Is the Turbo Cleaner Android app worth considering?

The Turbo Cleaner Android app is a practical solution that can locate the junk files that are just wasting space on your device. It also helps you to get rid of the irrelevant data so that you can get a better performance from your device. The Turbo Cleaner’s file cleaner is an efficient tool with a solid RAM booster solution. Overall, the features and the performance are top notch.


Turbo Cleaner is an efficient tool that delivers great performance and that is capable of improving the performance of your Android device by cleaning up and removing files that you don’t need anymore. The application frees up system and storage memory as requested by the user.

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