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Lorsque vous transférez un courriel, l'expéditeur le sait-il ?

You have received an email and you wish to forward it to someone else. The only problem is that you are wondering if your friend who sent you the email would know that you have forwarded his email. On the other hand, there are also some instances when you would like to let the person who has emailed you that you have forwarded his email. If you are in these situations, you came to the right place. Through this article, we shall investigate and learn if knowing that email has been forwarded is possible.

If You Forward an Email, Does the Sender Know?

The answer to this question is no, the sender would not know if you have forwarded the email that was sent to you. Though this is the case, you would be able to let the sender know only by adding him to the CC or BCC address when your forward the email. By doing this, the sender would get a copy of your forwarded email and know that you have forwarded the email that was sent to you.

Most used email clients like Outlook or Gmail would not let senders know that emails have been forwarded. The sender would only know if the receiver would let the sender know. Though this is the case, on the other hand, you would know when you have received a forwarded email. For example, if you are using Outlook, you would see a blue tick if the email you received is a forwarded email.

How Can You Forward An Email to Someone Without The Recipient Knowing It?

For the sender not to know that you have forwarded the email that you have received, ensure that you remove all the email addresses from the CC and BCC fields. Remove their contact details from the forwarded email as well.

There is a third party tool like the CRM software which has the ability to track emails and would let you know that someone has forwarded your emails. This tool works through the codes that has been included. This would send notification to the server whenever someone would open it.

How to Check If Your Mail Has Been Forwarded?

There is another tool which you could use for this purpose. You could check out Paperflite. This tool would let you know as soon as someone has forwarded your email. This feature is similar to outlook’s.

Unfortunately, Gmail does not have any features which could track your emails. Though that is the case, you could use its confidential mail wherein the recipient would not be able to forward, copy, print r download attachments. You could also set an expiration date as well.

Steps to Use Confidential Mode on Gmail

  • Go to Gmail webpage
  • Click Compose
  • Insert email details
  • Click on the lock icon toggle confidential mode
  • Set the duration of the validity of the mail
  • Select SMS passcode
  • Click save
  • Enter the recipient’s number and send
  • The recipient would receive a code which must be used to open the email

To Set Up Outlook

  • Click follow up
  • Select Add reminder
  • Select forward from Flag to
  • Add the details and click Ok


Can you delete forwarded emails?

Yes, you could delete forwarded emails.

Is it Ok to forward an email without permission?

No its not okay to forward emails without permission. You have to remember that email is considered to be copyright protected by the author. Hence, you will need to get permission especially if the material is copyrighted. If you have received an email from a friend then it is okay to forward it to other close friends.

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