
Xbox annonce le premier lot de jeux Xbox 360 rétrocompatibles avant le lancement le 12 novembre

Today Xbox announced the first 104 Xbox 360 games that will be backward compatible on the Xbox One when the New Xbox Experience goes live November 12. It’s a fairly wide selection that includes several major and minor Xbox Live titles as well as many full disc games.

While several of the games feel like they’re cheating, like the collection of Rare games that were part of Rare Replay, there are plenty of other games to choose from. Some of the highlights include games you may want to play again before diving into their upcoming sequel like Fallout 3 ou Mirror’s Edge. What’s interesting however are the games that feel like they’re missing. While this has always been promoted as the first batch of compatible games, with more to come over time, the fact that only the first Mass Effect game, or only Assassin’s Creed II, are available in their respective franchises makes it all the more noticeable that the other games are not there. Especially when the entire Gears of War franchise, including spinoff game Judgement will be in the first batch.

Microsoft has in fact already announced a few of the future titles that will be compatible in future updates. Those titles include Call of Duty: Black Ops, Halo: Reach, and the full Bioshock franchise.

You can check out the full list ici

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